PROV-ISSUE-59 (generation-definition): on generation [Conceptual Model]

PROV-ISSUE-59 (generation-definition): on generation [Conceptual Model]

Raised by: Graham Klyne
On product: Conceptual Model

"characterized entitity" is clumsy - suggest just "entity" (or
whatever term is selected for "BOB").

If I had not previously read about OPM, I'd be completely confused by
the introduction of "role" here.  Following the hyperlink here does
not help at all.

[[ Given an assertion isGeneratedBy(x,pe,r) or
isGeneratedBy(x,pe,r,t), the activity denoted by pe and the entities
used by pe dermine values of some of x's attributes.  ]] I've no idea
what this is trying to say.

Received on Friday, 29 July 2011 09:05:22 UTC