I18N-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property [HTML5-prep]

I18N-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property [HTML5-prep]


Raised by: Richard Ishida
On product: HTML5-prep

10.2.6 Punctuation and decorations

"Rules setting the 'quotes' property appropriately for the locales and languages understood by the user are expected to be present."

How are the locales and languages understood by the user determined? Is this related to the Accept-Language settings of the browser?

I'm assuming that the requirement here is to provide a single default only per browser installation, rather than to provide defaults for text in various languages (which would be a nice plus). If so, is it clear how that is to be achieved, because using 'rules' like

q:lang(en) quotes { '"' '"' "'" "'"; }
q:lang(no) { quotes: "«" "»" '"' '"' }

in the default stylesheet would provide defaults for the language of the text, and not according to the user's locale and language preferences.

Received on Friday, 22 July 2011 16:49:42 UTC