ISSUE-138 (mutate-action): "mutate action" for issueing a GET request is misleading [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-138 (mutate-action): "mutate action" for issueing a GET request is misleading [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Julian Reschke
On product: HTML 5 spec

In " Form submission algorithm" (<>), item 15, the action for associated with constructing a new URI and navigating to it is called "Mutate Action". This is very confusing, as it could be understood as if the resource being navigated to gets "mutated".

In <>, the editor explained that what's getting "mutated" is the URI. That may be true, but is consistent with the naming of the other actions, such as "Submit as entity body".

A minimal fix for this would be to change "mutate action" to "mutate action URL", as proposed in <>.

This was escalated from <>.

HTML5-SPEC-SECTIONS [form-submission-algorithm]

Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 15:25:13 UTC