Re: FRAMES and CGI-scripts

Dear Sofie,

I've been using cgi-script extensively on our site with frames for about 
a month now and don't think we have had any problems. (at least I 
haven't spotted them ... yet!)

I would be very interested to know if there were any problems in this 
area and, more importantly, whether there was a solution. (as it looks 
as though this may be under the control of the "client's browser  

In our case all the "parameters" are passed as part of the "<A HREF" 

The only problem we did get were intermittent "400 Bad Requests" (empty 
page). This was VERY intermittent and occurred only after a "SUBMIT" 
command (rather than the "<A HREF" command) to display a framed screen.

(eg If you were to click on "submit" when going "Direct to an 
Advertisement" on our France "home page" -

No one else has ever reported this problem to me though! (They might be 
too shy to do so, or more likely and worrying, think it is their 

I'd be very interested if anyone else had experienced this problem; i.e. 
the "400 Bad Requests" from a "submit".

Regards, Richard

In message <>, 
Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis <> writes
>Since I started using frames I seem to have a problem with "cache" memory.
>When I activate a cgi-script from a form or a "<A HREF" link, I get no 
>new results, only the old results come up. 
>I have used the attribute "target=_top" in all my forms and links.
>I did not have this problem before I started using frames, so the scripts 
>must be correct.
>Does anyone know if this is a problem that can only be solved by setting 
>the choice to "Empty cache every time" in "Preferences" or is there 
>another solution?
>Thanks for any help,
>Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis
>*  Sofie Johansson Kokkinakis          E-mail:   *
>*  Systemanalyst/ Ph.D Student         Tel: +46 (0)31 773 4586       *
>*  Språkdata, Inst. för svenska språket Fax: +46 (0)31 773 4455       *
>*  (Dept. of Swedish Language)                                       *
>*  Göteborgs universitet                                             * 
>*  S-412 98 GÖTEBORG, Sweden   * 
>*      Computers are not intelligent. They just think they are.      * 

Richard Ian Coates (Tel: [+44] (0) 181-519-4669 Fax: [+44] (0) 181-221-1055)

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Received on Friday, 27 February 1998 16:08:10 UTC