RE: Whither xs:group (and xs:attributeGroup)?

ISSUE-59 details attributeGroup - this issue was closed as advanced, but no pattern or example exists for it yet. Some work to be done there!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 28 November 2006 14:35
Subject: RE: Whither xs:group (and xs:attributeGroup)?

Hi Erik!

> I was looking over the draft Basic XML Schema Patterns and noticed 
> that global element/attribute group declarations are not mentioned.

I don't think we've got them in Advanced, either, yet

> I don't remember seeing any issues raised regarding toolkit support 
> problems with groups, so I was wondering why they are not part of the 
> "Basic" guidelines?

Because nobody proposed them! As we move forward with testing there may be features which we indeed realise are well supported, but are not in our Basic document, and indeed as state of the art moves it may make the whole of Advanced, Basic .. 

Of course our having identified each pattern with a URI, means you are at liberty to build your own collection of pwtterns, e.g. publish a set of patterns used in Epicor schemas, or which you know to work "well" with a given toolkit.

Note, we'll formally process all comments on this document sent during our Last Call period to the comments list:

public archive:

> Thanks and great work on the Basic Patterns!

thanks for the thanks. It's a start ..

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:54:15 UTC