
On Nov 4, 2012, at 3:17 PM, Ralph TQ [Gmail] <> wrote:

> Tim,
> I consider both properties, prov:wasInfluencedBy and prov:wasInformedBy, semantically close.  Colloquially, one states that something was 'informed by" something else.

> In QUDT we want to say what guided or even contributed wholesale to a unit description.

Got it.

> The domain and range of prov:wasInformedBy are both prov:Activity, whereas in QUDT, I am clearly speaking of an (abstract) Entity.


>  If were were to run an inference Units would become Activities.  To avoid this incorrect inference, we need to use prov:wasInfluencedBy.

What about prov:wasDerivedFrom? 
Its domain and range is Entity. 
Here, your subject Entity is a unit description and it was derived from (what appears to be) parts of a web page from which you took some information.

Does that work for you?

> But that, to my way of thinking, has weaker semantics.

You're right. "weaker" in the sense that its domain and range are "any" of the main three PROV classes.

> Albeit a small point but a source of confusion that can lead to wrong inferences.

You're right to look at the inferences that follow, but I think the fix is in finding a sibling of wasInformedBy that suits your Entity derivations.


> Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq
> Mobile Phone: +1 781-789-1664
> CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant
> On Nov 4, 2012, at 12:01 PM, Timothy Lebo <> wrote:
>> Ralph,
>> Thanks for your comment regarding the confusion between wasInfluencedBy and wasInformedBy.
>> As you point out in your email and in your diagram, wasInformedBy is a restricted sub property of wasInfluencedBy.
>> Could you elaborate on what can be "easily confused"?
>> You mention that you notice the confusion when extending PROV-O with your ontology. Could you provide an example that helps highlight the confusion?
>> Finally, do you have any suggestions for what the working group can do to clarify the distinction between the two properties?
>> Thanks for your help. We're happy to make changes to the documents, we just need to know a bit more about what we need to address.
>> Regards,
>> Tim
>> p.s. We've assigned your comment to the issue
>> On Nov 2, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Ralph TQ [Gmail] <> wrote:
>>> PROVO-O properties prov:wasInfluencedBy and prov:wasInformedBy are easily confused. We notice this when we are describing what has 'informed' what in descriptions and other assertions in QUDT. 
>>> The diagram below, from TopBraid, shows the schema associated with these properties.  prov:wasInformedBy has a restricted domain and range over its super-property prov:wasInfluencedBy. Perhaps the rationale for this is somewhere in the working group postings?
>>> <Screen Shot 2012-11-02 at 9.59.31 AM.png>
>>> Ralph Hodgson, @ralphtq
>>> CTO, TopQuadrant, @TopQuadrant

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 14:07:28 UTC