Re: ISSUE-37: short description of model

hello roger.

On 2013-02-27 12:29 , "Roger Menday" <> wrote:
>The LDP protocol provides the mechanism to observe and evolve state via
>interaction with the constituent Linked Data resources through their
>outgoing arcs.

i think i am getting closer to understanding this, i was parsing it wrong.
but if the "through their outgoing arcs" refers to the "evolve state via
interaction" part, then i am wondering what's wrong with just saying
"links"? it's what people from the REST and hypermedia communities would
expect and understand, and for any actionable link that you use as
hypermedia control, it only makes sense if there is an identifier at the
target side. if there's no identifier, it's not a link, right? or said
differently, you cannot meaningfully link to the integer "42".



Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 17:50:56 UTC