Re: PROV-DICTIONARY internal review for first public working draft (ISSUE-614)

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Tom De Nies <> wrote:
> I've included this text as a note:
>> Note that the use of a non-empty prefix for extensions of PROV-N is
>> technically not valid. The terms used in this document can be made valid by
>> the addition of a prefix "prov:" to all PROV-Dictionary terms. However, this
>> would greatly reduce the readability of this document. The Working Group is
>> currently discussing how to address this issue before the next Working Draft
>> of this document.


> Oh, I see. I missed that link.
> Actually, I didn't realize it was a plain text file. We'll include a link in
> the document and provide the grammar file this week, as we did with the owl
> and xsd files.

Yeah, there's no proper agreed format for EBNF, and ironically no EBNF for EBNF!

>> Arghs, the precedence argument! OK for this draft then (given a yellow
>> box noting this issue properly) - but this must really be addressed
>> later. It does look quite inconsistent if our own extensions are not
>> valid.
> I assume this is the same note as above?


> (...)

> It's green, but nonetheless an editorial note:


OK, thanks for all the hard work! As far as I am concerned it's ready
to be released as FPWD.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, myGrid team
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 16:38:30 UTC