Re: Trying to close ISSUE-14

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 4:50 AM, Raúl García Castro <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is an intent to close ISSUE-14 with a concrete proposal.
> Focusing on how servers expose the sort order of a response, a server should
> allow a client to know:
> .- According to which properties are the members sorted
> .- For each property, the ascending or descending ordering
> I can see scenarios where multiple properties and multiple ordering are
> used; e.g., I want to sort bugs according to their creation date
> (descending) and their priority (ascending).
> The concrete proposal is the following:
> An LDPC server can indicate to a client the ordering of members in a
> container page using an ldp:containerOrder property. This property has as
> range a list of resources with two properties:
> .- ldp:containerSortPredicate, which defines the property used for sorting
> .- ldp:containerSortOrder, which defines the ordering (ascending or
> descending) and is optional
> Here is the spec example worked to include this proposal:
> +-+-+-+
> # The following is the ordered representation of
> #
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> @prefix o: <>.
> <>
>     a ldp:Container;
>     dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
>     ldp:membershipSubject <>;
>     ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
> <>
>     a ldp:Page;
>     ldp:pageOf <>;
>     ldp:containerOrder
>       ( [ldp:containerSortPredicate o:first. ]
>         [ldp:containerSortPredicate o:second;
>          ldp:containerSortOrder ldp:descending . ] ).
> <>
>     a o:NetWorth;
>     o:asset <>, <>,
> <>.
> <>
>     a o:Stock;
>     o:first 100.00;
>     o:second 5.
> <>
>     a o:Cash;
>     o:first 50.00;
>     o:second 17.
> <>
>     a o:RealEstateHolding;
>     o:first 300000.00;
>     o:second 1355.
> +-+-+-+
> If the server wants to expose simple, it could just do:
> <> ldp:containerOrder (
> [ldp:containerSortPredicate o:first] ).
> In summary, when a client asks for a paginated representation is because it
> needs to sequentially process the members of a container. It doesn't have
> any way of asking for a specific order, but the server already defines it in
> some way.
> The point is that if the client doesn't know in which order the server is
> sorting members, it doesn't know the correct sequence to process (e.g., for
> visualization) them correctly. So, even if the client cannot specify
> ordering, it is useful for it to know the ordering details.
> This proposal achieves the same goal as Richard's one of explicitly stating
> the ordered list of members. From my point of view both can be valid and
> both require clients and servers to agree on the meaning of how sort order
> is exposed.
> For closing issue 14, this one is enough for me and simple to apply, since
> it builds upon the existing content in the specification.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Dr. Raúl García Castro
> Ontology Engineering Group
> Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> Campus de Montegancedo, s/n - Boadilla del Monte - 28660 Madrid
> Phone: +34 91 336 36 70 - Fax: +34 91 352 48 19

+1 makes sense to me

- Steve Speicher

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 11:50:13 UTC