Re: CSS re-introduce min/max functions

Couldn't this be solved with `width` and `max-width`?

As in...

my-element {
  width: 100vh;
  max-width: 500px;


On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 6:21 AM, Oliver Joseph Ash <>

> I am aware that min/max functions have been specified before but were
> dropped, however I think there are still valid use cases for them with no
> acceptable workarounds. I noticed this thread from 2011 which proposed
> re-introducing them, but I don't see any follow up:
> A personal use case of mine, but I'm sure there are many others: I want to
> display an element with a max-width of 100vh or some arbitrary pixel
> measurement, whichever is smallest. (This is for my photography blog,
> images should stretch but appear no larger
> than the height of the viewport or the width of the image, whichever is
> smallest.)
> I'm able to achieve a similar effect to a min function by wrapping the
> element and using two max-widths:
> <div style="max-width: 100vh;">
>     <my-element style="max-width: 500px;"></my-element>
> </div>
> Unfortunately this workaround means I cannot layout my element as easily
> (e.g. it is no longer a flex item, but a child of a flex item). display:
> contents won't help here because that would not honour the max-width, if I
> understand correctly.

Received on Friday, 13 January 2017 16:48:20 UTC