Link between FeatureOfInterest and xxxProperty

Dear all,

Implementing ACTION-268, I stumbled again on the fact that there is
currently no link between FeatureOfInterest and xxxProperty defined in SOSA.
See also the figure attached to .

I would like us to discuss this shortly during the next call, there are two
simple options that I listed in the following wiki page:

For your interest, in one of the core SEAS ontologies we promote the
definition of  "functional sub-properties of ssn:hasProperty". See [1].

For example, some domain ontology would define:

ex:consumption a owl:ObjectProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf seas:hasProperty ;

Then in static instance data:

<fridge/1> a seas:FeatureOfInterest ;
  ex:consumption <fridge/1/consumption> .

Core ontology seas:EvaluationOntology defines various ways to give such
Property a value.

[1] -

Kind regards,

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2017 15:26:00 UTC