Re: [All] question to implementors (Re: [ACTION-155] (related to [ISSUE-16]) parameters for rules)

2012/7/9 Shaun McCance <>

> On Sun, 2012-07-08 at 18:09 +0200, Felix Sasaki wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >
> > I have no objections against the latest proposal from Jirka if we get
> > a clear statement that
> > "implementation MUST support its:param"
> > is no issue, for all implementors in the group. I know that some (e.g.
> > David Filip) are thinking of just wrapping okapi tools for at least
> > some ITS processing, but for the others I'm not sure. So I would
> > propose to close this by asking TCD, DCU, Moravia, Cocomore,
> > Linguaserve, VistaTec, Lucy Software to confirm that they will
> > implement this. Would that be OK for everybody?
> 1) I want to point out that the current proposal for its:param:
> <its:param name='myParam'>default value</its:param>
> limits default parameter values to string objects, not numbers,
> booleans, or node sets. That's not necessarily a problem. I just
> want to point it out so everybody is aware.

Good point  that needs to get into a definition of this.

> 2) libxml2 does provide functions to bind variables to an XPath
> context outside of a host language like XSLT. Unfortunately, it
> doesn't expose those functions in the Python bindings, which is
> what I'm using.
> I'm working on a patch for libxml2, but it will take some time to
> get it reviewed, integrated, and released. We should not block on
> me. I'll get it implemented, just perhaps a bit later.
> 3) For the sake of interoperability, I think we should clearly
> dictate that the only variables that may be bound or referenced
> are those declared with its:param within the same its:rules.
> 4) I believe the current proposal is that XPath 1 is the default
> selection language, but that different languages may be specified.
> The notion of variable binding is tied to the selection language.
> We should probably say something about how its:param interacts
> with alternate selection languages.

Both good points - for 4) I would say "no interaction, only for XPath 1 or
its successor".


> --
> Shaun McCance
> Community Help Expert   |   Open Help Conference
>   |

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Monday, 9 July 2012 15:31:59 UTC