G73: Providing a long description in another location with a link to it that is immediately adjacent to the non-text content

Refer to examples 1 and 2 (G73:
http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G73), especially the
"The image links to the bottom of the page where there is a section titled
"Description of charts on this page". The link points to this specific
description: "Sales for October show Mary leading with 400 units. Mike
follows closely with 389. Chris rounds out our top 3 with sales of 350.
[end of description]," in example 1,
"The image links to another page titled "Description of charts in October
Sales Report". The description link points to this specific description:
"Sales for October show Mary leading with 400 units. Mike follows closely
with 389. Chris rounds out our top 3 with sales of 350. End of description.
<link> Back to Sales Chart </link> ]," in example 2.
In both the examples, note the fact that an image links to the bottom of
the page where there is a section titled 'XYZ.' This is understood but the
following sentence that states the link points to a specific description is
not clear enough. What does a 'section' mean in the sentence? What and
where is the 'specific description'? Which link points to what in the page
is unclear after reading the two sentences together.
Furthermore, note the loner bracket ] at the end of the second example.

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 12:40:51 UTC