@value attribute and property values

Greetings to all, and hope you can give me answers or suggestions.
I was reviewing the spec about RDFa core and I focused on a frequent use
case in my models. Sometimes I use <data> element to indicate price values
for internationalisation and machine-readability. For user readability
currencies can be indicated with symbols, decimal separators with commas
and there could be spaces or single quotes to separate thousands, but it's
not an acceptable value. So a price of € 1'234,56 could be set as follows:
<data value="EUR">€</data> <data value="1234.56">1'234,56</data>
I often use Schema.org class vocabularies for semantic markup as this
allows to specify the price entity by also separating numbers and currency.
I also want to use RDFa for semantic markup. I know that I could specify
@content in order to indicate the machine readable value, but I'd like to
know whether @value could ever be taken into account as attribute to look
at for content of some properties.
It would also be useful on ordered lists, as @value on list items can be
used to force an item number in the list, and it could have a semantic
meaning (e.g. the number of an item in a collection of creative works), or
even on form elements (e.g. when used as readonly).
Is there any hope for this?

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 19:31:59 UTC