Re: Minutes October 25, 2012 SVG WG Telcon

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Nikos Andronikos <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Minutes from today's telcon
>  and as text:
>    [1]W3C
>       [1]
>                                - DRAFT -
>                     SVG Working Group Teleconference
> 25 Oct 2012
>    [2]Agenda
>       [2]**Public/public-svg-wg/**
> 2012OctDec/0016.html<>
>    See also: [3]IRC log
>       [3]**svg-irc<>
> Attendees
>    Present
>    Regrets
>           cyril
>    Chair
>           SV_MEETING_CHAIR
>    Scribe
>           nikos
> Contents
>      * [4]Topics
>          1. [5]Percentage values for 'transform' on pattern,
>             linear/radialGradient,
>          2. [6]spreadMethod on gradients
>          3. [7]Publication schedule for SVG2
>          4. [8]Filter Effects
>      * [9]Summary of Action Items
>      ______________________________**____________________________
>    <trackbot> Date: 25 October 2012
>    <krit> give me a second
>    <scribe> scribenick: nikos
> Percentage values for 'transform' on pattern, linear/radialGradient,
>    clipPath
>    krit: what does % on transform functions mean?
>    ... is it relative to the bounding box of the object, i.e. a
>    rect
>    ... another possibility is user space, or the viewport
>    ... so the percentage would be a percentage of the dimension of
>    the viewport
>    ... if you compare with transforms, it's relative to the
>    bounding box
>    ... I would like to do the same with resources, if you have
>    clippath with a transform, it's relative to the bounding box
>    nikos: I agree with you
>    ed: It makes more sense to have it that way
>    Tav: for somethings, don't we allow the user to select?
>    krit: there is no way to select for transform
>    ... it is also conformant with how we have done it in the psat
>    nikos: what about rotation?
>    krit: we don't accept percentage for rotate
>    Tav: using the bounding box is easier in the code
>    ... just to be clear, we are talking about bounding box without
>    markers or stroke?
>    krit: the object bounding box
>    ... it does not include stroke or markers
>    resolution: percentage values on transform functions will be
>    relative to the object bounding box of the referencing element
> spreadMethod on gradients
>    <Tav> [10]**SVG/RADIALGRAD/index.html<>
>      [10]**RADIALGRAD/index.html<>
>    Tav: I started looking at the changes to gradients, I had a
>    question
>    ... what do we do for the different spread methods?
>    ... what confused me, was the second figure (on that page)
>    krit: the big white circle should be filled with pad
>    ... can we agree that spread methods are still useful?
>    Tav: well it would be inconsistent if you didn't have them
>    krit: what I really miss, is having spreadMethod none
>    Tav: I thought about that and was going to suggest it until I
>    realised Canvas always does padding
>    krit: for gradients, I want it to be compatible with Canvas,
>    doesn't mean we can't do more
>    Tav: I'm not sure how useful none is
>    ed: it would mean you wouldn't fill the shape potentially, I'm
>    not sure how useful it is either
>    krit: the only graphics library I know that doesn't support
>    none is core graphics, I think it could be useful
>    Tav: if you look at fig 5, I wanted to check if it's rendered
>    correctly?
>    krit: it is
>    Tav: the only difference between SVG and Canvas, is what
>    happens when the start and end circle are touching
>    krit: there shouldn't be a difference
>    ... you mean fully overlapping right?
>    Tav: no I mean touching one point (fig 7)
>    ... Canvas does not fill the entire plane, SVG does
>    krit: I'm not sure about that
>    ... if you think about infinite big circles, the right side can
>    never be filled
>    Tav: if you look at the SVG spec, it says you average the
>    colours and fill the right part with the averaged value
>    krit: It should do exactly as you have drawn in fig7

I agree. Figure 7 is correct.
I think the old behavior follows the current definition of how a radial
gradient is rendered.
Now that we move to the new definition (a radial gradient is an infinite
set of circles), it is no longer correct.

>    Tav: it would be different if you had spreadMethod=reflect or
>    repeat
>    ed: the spreadMethod is just how to repeat the colours, not the
>    shape

>    krit: correct

>    <Tav>
>    [11]**draft/pservers.html#**RadialGradientNo<>
>    tes
>      [11]**pservers.html#**
> RadialGradientNotes<>
>    nikos: is there any difference if the focal circle touches the
>    outer circle, or if the focal circle touches the outer circle?
>    krit: there should be no difference
>    ... in Canvas the area to the right should be transparent
>    ... mathematically it is transparent, but it could be specced
>    to be filled
>    ... do we want consistency?
>    ed: for CSS gradient the same problem applies, I think Tab was
>    saying that the CSS group preferred the averaging
>    ... we have discussed this before
>    krit: it's a question of whether we want to be compatible with
>    CSS gradients or with HTML Canvas
>    ed: in general I find it nice if the paint servers fully fill
>    the given shape
>    nikos: since we are allowing CSS gradient paint servers, why
>    not spec the opposite in SVG, then you can select one or the
>    other?
>    krit: for Webkit, I'm not sure if it would be implemented
>    ... I'm not sure if this edge case is even implemented for CSS
>    gradients
>    Tav: what is the status of the CSS spec? could they change it?
>    <scribe> ACTION: Krit to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [12]**25-svg-minutes.html#action01<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find Krit. You can review and
>    register nicknames at
>    <[13]**Graphics/SVG/WG/track/users<>
> >.
>      [13]**SVG/WG/track/users%3E<>
> .
>    <scribe> ACTION: krit to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [14]**25-svg-minutes.html#action02<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find krit. You can review and
>    register nicknames at
>    <[15]**Graphics/SVG/WG/track/users<>
> >.
>      [15]**SVG/WG/track/users%3E<>
> .
>    <scribe> ACTION: dirk to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [16]**25-svg-minutes.html#action03<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-3394 - Craft some test cases to
>    compare the implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [on
>    Dirk Schulze - due 2012-11-01].
>    <ed> [17]**css3-images/#radial-gradients<>
>      [17]**images/#radial-gradients<>
>    ed: look at 4.2.3 for degenerate cases
>    krit: in this case, CSS gradients don't have focal radius
>    ... if they have a radius of zero, what do they paint?
>    ... I don't think this is the use case we are looking for
>    <krit> [18]**css4-images/#conic-gradients<>
>      [18]**images/#conic-gradients<>
>    krit: CSS gradients doesn't matter, because you don't specify
>    the bounds of the outer circle
>    ... it's not specified in CSS 4 either
>    ed: so for existing content, it would mean that you would see
>    through some parts of the shape?
>    krit: the problem is webkit and firefox always pushed the focal
>    point inside the circle
>    ... I think Opera is doing something similar
>    ed: I'm leaning towards aligning with Canvas, but I would like
>    to see some testcases
>    krit: We could ask authors what they want? Maybe discuss on the
>    mailing list
>    ed: do we want to wait for the test cases? or resolve on one of
>    the options now?
>    Tav: I'd say wait
> Publication schedule for SVG2
>    ed: I'm not sure if we decided when the next publication would
>    happen
>    ... but it would be good to have a date to work against
>    ... so looking at the table of the current plan, we should have
>    LC working draft in January
>    krit: it's a tough schedule
>    ed: that's what I'm thinking, I don't think we can take what we
>    have now and go to LC
>    krit: we should have a F2F before LC
>    ... so that would be February
>    ... I would like to have a second WD before we go to LC
>    <richardschwerdtfeger> rich: I have some travel in Februaary
>    ed: so what dates would be realistic for a second working
>    draft?
>    krit: after our F2F seems to be reasonable
>    ... I think there's more to discuss, i.e. security concerns
>    from Mozilla
>    ... can we resolve that we won't publish in January? do we need
>    to resolve on that?
>    ed: I think it would be good to have a resolution to point to
>    rich: was someone doing tab-index? what's the status of that?
>    krit: the question is how much we need to specify in SVG? maybe
>    we can rely on the definition in HTML5
>    <ed> ACTION-3341?
>    <trackbot> ACTION-3341 -- Doug Schepers to is going to look
>    into conflicts between the model of tab index and navigation --
>    due 2012-08-30 -- OPEN
>    <trackbot>
>    [19]**Graphics/SVG/WG/track/actions/**3341<>
>      [19]**SVG/WG/track/actions/3341<>
>    rich: I'm certainly going to use what we wrote up for ARIA in
>    HTML5 because the wording was good
>    resolution: goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February -
>    after F2F
>    <scribe> ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in
>    wiki to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is
>    February, after the F2F [recorded in
>    [20]**25-svg-minutes.html#action04<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Could not create new action (unparseable data in
>    server response: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in
>    position 7: ordinal not in range(128)) - please contact sysreq
>    with the details of what happened.
>    <scribe> ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in
>    wiki to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is
>    February, after the F2F [recorded in
>    [21]**25-svg-minutes.html#action05<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Could not create new action (unparseable data in
>    server response: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in
>    position 7: ordinal not in range(128)) - please contact sysreq
>    with the details of what happened.
>    <scribe> ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in
>    wiki to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is
>    February, after the F2F [recorded in
>    [22]**25-svg-minutes.html#action06<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Could not create new action (unparseable data in
>    server response: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in
>    position 7: ordinal not in range(128)) - please contact sysreq
>    with the details of what happened.
>    <scribe> ACTION: Erik to update SVG 2 publication schedule in
>    wiki to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is
>    February, after the F2F [recorded in
>    [23]**25-svg-minutes.html#action07<>
> ]
>    <trackbot> Could not create new action (unparseable data in
>    server response: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in
>    position 7: ordinal not in range(128)) - please contact sysreq
>    with the details of what happened.
>    <scribe> ACTION:ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [24]**25-svg-minutes.html#action08<>
> ]
>    ed: so that brings last call dates forward a bit, not sure by
>    how much
>    ... we'll have to adjust the dates to be later
>    rich: do we know when we are going to go to REC?
>    krit: end of next year (2013) for CR stage
>    rich: the reason I'm asking, is I'm working with ePub people,
>    and they will want to know when the accessibility stuff will
>    show up
>    <ed>
>    [25]**Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/SVG2_**Requirements_Co<>
>    mmitments
>      [25]**SVG/WG/wiki/SVG2_Requirements_**
> Commitments<>
>    ed: so looking at the commitments page, there are plenty of
>    things that haven't been put in the spec
>    ... all the ones that don't have commitment from anyone, are up
>    for grabs if anyone is interested
>    <krit> [26]**filter-effects/<>
>      [26]**effects/<>
> Filter Effects
>    <krit> [27]**filter-effects/<>
>      [27]**effects/<>
>    krit: filter effects WPD has been published
>    ... can I remove relaxNG from the spec?
>    ... do we need it ?
>    ... if it's useful, who will write it ?
>    ed: we had a starting point from a previous draft of SVG 2
>    ... so there are some files that may be ready
>    ... I'm not really sure what state they are in
>    krit: how does relaxNG work with HTML5 and validating there?
>    ... I would rather remove it, it's adding complexity that is
>    not needed
>    ... currently, we just have a note in the spec that we want to
>    provide it
>    ed: I would be fine removing it
>    ... if we don't have anyone who wants to do the work, we can
>    remove it and if someone wants to do it later they can
>    krit: sounds good
> Summary of Action Items
>    [NEW] ACTION: dirk to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [28]**25-svg-minutes.html#action03<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [29]**25-svg-minutes.html#action04<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [30]**25-svg-minutes.html#action05<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [31]**25-svg-minutes.html#action06<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: ed to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [32]**25-svg-minutes.html#action08<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: Erik to update SVG 2 publication schedule in wiki
>    to note that the goal for next SVG 2 working draft is February,
>    after the F2F [recorded in
>    [33]**25-svg-minutes.html#action07<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: Krit to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [34]**25-svg-minutes.html#action01<>
> ]
>    [NEW] ACTION: krit to craft some test cases to compare the
>    implementations of gradients in CSS/Canvas/SVG [recorded in
>    [35]**25-svg-minutes.html#action02<>
> ]
>    [End of minutes]
>      ______________________________**____________________________
>     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [36]scribe.perl version
>     1.137 ([37]CVS log)
>     $Date: 2012/10/25 22:06:20 $
>      ______________________________**____________________________
>      [36]**checkout~/2002/scribe/**
> scribedoc.htm<>
>      [37]**scribe/<>
> Scribe.perl diagnostic output
>    [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
> This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137  of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01
> Check for newer version at [38]**checkout~/2002/<>
> scribe/
>      [38]**checkout~/2002/scribe/<>
> Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)
> Succeeded: s/of a/of the/
> Succeeded: s/sometimes it's nice to have the fill/in general I find it n
> ice if the paint servers fully fill the given shape/
> Succeeded: s/some .../some testcases/
> Succeeded: s/WG/WD/
> Succeeded: s/for/from/
> Found ScribeNick: nikos
> Inferring Scribes: nikos
> WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
> Possibly Present: IPcaller P3 Tav aaaa aabb cyril ed https joined krit n
> ikos rich richardschwerdtfeger scribenick svg trackbot
> You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
>         <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
>         <dbooth> Present+ amy
> Regrets: cyril
> Agenda: [39]**Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/**
> 2012OctDec <>
> /0016.html
>      [39]**Public/public-svg-wg/**
> 2012OctDec/0016.html<>
> WARNING: No meeting chair found!
> You should specify the meeting chair like this:
> <dbooth> Chair: dbooth
> Found Date: 25 Oct 2012
> Guessing minutes URL: [40]**25-svg-minutes.html<>
> People with action items: dirk ed erik krit
>      [40]**svg-minutes.html<>
>    End of [41]scribe.perl diagnostic output]
>      [41]**checkout~/2002/scribe/**
> scribedoc.htm<>
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Received on Friday, 26 October 2012 08:22:58 UTC