Re: PROV-ISSUE-217 (account-asserter): What is the asserter of an account? [prov-dm]

Oops, my bad.

2012/3/5 Luc Moreau <>

> **
> Hi Daniel,
> This is a prov-dm issue, I don't know what it means yet, given how
> accounts are now addressed.
> Luc
> On 05/03/12 21:30, Daniel Garijo wrote:
> Hi Luc,
> since we have relaxed the requirements on accounts on the dm, does this
> issue still hold?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> 2012/1/16 Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker <>
>> PROV-ISSUE-217 (account-asserter): What is the asserter of an account?
>> [prov-dm]
>> Raised by: Luc Moreau
>> On product: prov-dm
>> The prov-dm document contains the following note, in the account section:
>> Currently, the non-terminal asserter is defined as IRI and its
>> interpretation is outside PROV-DM. We may want the asserter to be an agent
>> instead, and therefore use PROV-DM to express the provenance of PROV-DM
>> assertions. The editors seek inputs on how to resolve this issue.
>> Tim, in his design of accounts, is running ahead, making assumptions
>> about the asserter.
>> So, are we supporting the following proposal:
>> an Account asserter is an agent.
>> Following this, a further question follows.
>> Assuming we have an entity ex:acc representing an account
>> entity(ex:acc)  // details to be finalized when we understand what
>> identifiers are
>> and we express some provenance:
>> wasGenerated(ex:acc,ex:activity)
>> wasAttributed(ex:acc,ex:agent)
>> ....
>> Do we have any restrictions about where these provenance records can
>> occur?
>> Can they be for instance included inside the account itself?
>> Or should they necessarily be occurring outside the account?
>> Thanks,
>> Luc

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 21:38:59 UTC