Re: SSN next tasks (NB eds)


can I suggest that before we invest in a particular modularisation we
create stubs with imports and documentation about what each module is
designed to achieve - and debate that - otherwise I feel we'll have effort
invested in something that becomes difficult to deal with later.


On Fri, 27 May 2016 at 16:26 Kerry Taylor <> wrote:

> While “modularity” is clearly top priority for our next unit of work in
> the group, even **before** we go too far on that, I want to deal with
> issue-60.
> Most particularly the past about “fix typos and spelling” of which there
> are several.
> The thing is , this should  be done before we go very far down the
> modularisation path as surely everyone is going to be pulling apart ssn as
> it now is in webprotege (WP).
> It will be much easier to do this in one pass over the current form than
> leaving it until further changes are done.
> Also, although I am willing (and keen)  to do this, I want to do it in
> text form (ie not using (WP) ) for obvious reasons. Which means it could
> interfere with other changes.
> So… I propose to, at some time that I can start and finish in a short
> transaction, ask everyone to leave WP alone while I do it offline and then
> to replace the WP version.
> This is advanced warning in case anyone wants to object – if it is ok I
> will announce when I am starting and when I finish.
> --Kerry

Received on Friday, 27 May 2016 07:49:03 UTC