Re: SHACL Specification Fragment (ACTION-27)


Your generated doc looks good. fyi, the Jena+XSLT scripts used by
OSLC, OASIS, and IBM are described at [1]. Here is an example of the
HTML generated from a Turtle vocabulary. [2]


On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 2:44 AM, Holger Knublauch
<> wrote:
> As discussed today, I have looked into auto-generating a Vocabulary
> Reference document. An early (!) version of this is here, just to get the
> idea across:
> Maybe we can briefly discuss how to proceed with this in the next meeting.
> Holger
> On 6/11/2015 0:45, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Here is what I think is the minimum that a formal definition oF SHACL
>> needs.
>> References to document sections are to places where relevant information
>> is
>> available, sometimes only in an informal manner.  Where the information is
>> incomplete or incorrect, I have so noted.
>> Syntax
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded shape - not in document? UML diagram???
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded constraint - not in document
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded scope - not in document? UML diagram???
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded template - 8, maybe incomplete
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded function - 11, maybe incomplete
>> - - what makes a valid SHACL RDF graph - not in document
>> Templates
>> - - what makes a valid RDF-encoded template instance of a template - not
>> in
>> document
>> - - what templates make the built-in constraints - Appendix B
>> Semantics
>> - - how is SHACL invoked - 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
>> - - how are shapes validated - 10.1, 12 - incomplete
>> - - how is an RDF-encoded template instance translated into SPARQL - 12.2,
>> incomplete, partly incorrect
>> - - how is an RDF-encoded function instance translated into SPARQL - 12.3,
>> incomplete
>> - - how is an RDF-encoded shape translated into SPARQL - not in document
>> - - how are violations determined - 3, 4, 5, and 12, incorrect
>> - - how are violations reported - 12.1.2, partly incorrect
>> - - how are violations turned into human readable output - 12.1.2,
>> incomplete
>> This completes my ACTION-27.
>> peter
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Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 18:15:13 UTC