Re: shapes-ISSUE-129 (existential constraints): Existential constraints should be consistent [SHACL - Core]

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Holger Knublauch <>

> On 16/03/2016 17:44, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Holger Knublauch <
> <>> wrote:
>> Could you sketch how the SPARQL would look like for sh:equals,
>> sh:notEquals, sh:lessThan? I see no issues with the current definitions,
>> but I may be missing something. Do you have a case where sh:equals and
>> sh:notEquals are not symmetric? To me, notEquals reports the intersection
>> and equals reports violations for all values that are outside of the
>> intersection.
> I would define sh:equals as
> SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate ?object
>  $this $predicate ?object .
>  $this $equals ?object2 .
>  FILTER (?object != ?object2) .
> }
> But this would iterate over all combinations, i.e. even for two identical
> sets of 2 values, it would produce violations. In other words, both
> properties could only ever have one value.

Good point! so I would adjust the current definition to

SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate ?object WHERE { {
  $this $predicate ?object .
  $this $equals [] .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $equals ?object .
} } UNION {
  $this $predicate [] .
  $this $equals ?object .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $predicate ?object . }
 } }

added "  $this $equals [] ." & "  $this $predicate [] . " to make sure the
quality is verified only when both properties exist

> I regard these as set-operators.
> sh:equals: both sets must be equal
> sh:notEquals: both sets must not be equal, i.e. there are nodes outside of
> either set
> sh:lessThan: all values of set1 must be < all values of set2

I agree

> sh:hasValue: the set must include a given value

sh:in should be also added i this category then

> Holger

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Projects:,, http://
Research Group: AKSW/KILT

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 09:52:24 UTC