Re: VXML-CCXML integration - Updating VoiceXML session variables - ISSUE-112


As we have not heard back from you we are closing out this issue in  
the working group issue last.

Best regards,

RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation
Chair, Editor and Chair, CCXML, VBWG, W3C

On May 17, 2007, at 09:45 :27, RJ Auburn wrote:

> Rajesh,
> The working group has reviewed your comments and wishes to thank you  
> for your review of the specification.
> After internal discussion the working group feels that the best  
> resolution is to drop this feature from the specification. There are  
> a great number of edge cases that would need to be covered by the  
> specification and due to a lack of use cases for this feature we  
> feel this would be the best way to resolve the issue.
> D.3 p1 will be changed to read as:
>> “When a VoiceXML dialog is bridged to a connection with an  
>> associated call leg, the standard VoiceXML session variables obtain  
>> their values from the call leg. Otherwise, these variables are  
>> undefined. After the dialog is bridged to a connection, VoiceXML  
>> session variables are not updated again. CCXML defines an  
>> additional read-only VoiceXML session variable, also populated when  
>> the dialog is bridged to a connection, called  
>> session.connection.ccxml with the following sub-properties:
> Please let us know if this resolutions are acceptable to you. If we  
> do not hear from you by 6/1/2007 we will consider this resolution  
> accepted.
> Thanks,
> 	RJ
> ---
> RJ Auburn
> CTO, Voxeo Corporation
> Chair, Call Control Subgroup, VBWG.
> On Feb 8, 2007, at 10:48 AM, RJ Auburn wrote:
>> Rajesh:
>> This is being tracked as ISSUE-112.
>> 	RJ
>> ---
>> RJ Auburn
>> CTO, Voxeo Corporation
>> tel:+1-407-418-1800
>> On Nov 29, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Rajesh N wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a query regarding the managment of VoiceXML session  
>>> variables in the context of VXML-CCXML integration.
>>> CCXML 1.0 Appendix D.3 mentions that VoiceXML Session variables  
>>> are updated whenever there is a update to the associated  
>>> connection or conference.
>>> What are the scenario in which this can happen? Can someone  
>>> provide any examples? Also, which are the exact VXML standard  
>>> session variables that can be updated by CCXML?  Are they only the  
>>> VXML session variables defined in CCXML or do they also include  
>>> the VXML 2.0 standard session variables?
>>> Also, from the VXML interpreter's perspective, does it need to  
>>> verify the dialog session state, when CCXML requests a session  
>>> variable updation. According to the specifications, VXML session  
>>> variables and any applicable sub-properties are read-only. Does  
>>> this mean that they are read-only only for the VXML application or  
>>> script?
>>> Thanks
>>> Rajesh
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Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 15:27:31 UTC