Re: Working Group Decision on ISSUE-131 caret-location-api

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Aryeh Gregor <> wrote:
> Could we please avoid boolean arguments wherever possible?

We could define some constants on the canvas context interface for use as
arguments, as with Node.ELEMENT_NODE etc.

Would that be better?

> (I haven't researched the broader issue of canvas accessibility at
> all, so I have no comment on that.  It seems like a small enough loss
> for canvas cursors to not respect user blink rate settings, but if
> it's not, could you work out some API that lets authors honor them
> without knowing them?  I.e., let the author say "I want this to blink
> at the user's blink rate setting", without letting them know what it
> is?)

If you could define a animation for a path in Canvas without being able to query
its frequency, then I guess so. But that sounds more like something
you'd find in a retained mode drawing API?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Friday, 29 April 2011 16:20:51 UTC