Re: DCAT-rev as First Public Working Draft

I took a snapshot using the ReSpec export to HTML feature.  We can update the published Working Draft any time the DXWG wants to issue an update.

> On 18 May 2018, at 13:03, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran <> wrote:
> Thanks, Dave.
> I've got a question about the FPWD, as I noticed that the text in section 6.1 on the RDF representation:
> <>
> is pointing to the turtle file available at:
> <>
> and as this is not pointing to the last commit before the FPWD was release but instead to the dcat.ttl within the gh-pages branch of the repo, it will always be pointing to the latest version of the DCAT vocabulary.
> That is, it will be pointing to the files including the changes we do from now on.
> Considering the release that Simon did, the file we should be pointing to is:
> <>
> Is it too late to consider this?
> Thanks,
> Alejandra
> On 09/05/2018 16:43, Dave Raggett wrote:
>> Congratulations to all involved:
>> See: <>
>> As per process, a Call for Exclusion will now be sent to Advisory Committee  Representatives of participating Members in relation to W3C’s patent policy for REC track work items.
>> Dave Raggett < <>> <>
>> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Dave Raggett <>
W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things 

Received on Friday, 18 May 2018 15:38:33 UTC