[whatwg] Microphone Device API

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Bjartur Thorlacius <svartman95 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/28/11, Harald Alvestrand <harald at alvestrand.no> wrote:
>> - Let users control access to microphone (whether my app can reach it or
>> not)
>> - Let users turn off and on their microphone
> Seems to be out of HTML's scope.

I don't think that's true. In fact, the draft <device> element is
providing a solution to both points Harald made:
* control over mircophone
* input of stream of data rather than a file

See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/commands.html#devices

Also see Ericsson's trial implementations for RTC in a series of
articles at https://labs.ericsson.com/developer-community/blog/beyond-html5-implementing-device-and-stream-management-webkit


>> I would very much want to avoid having the "record to file/buffer" be a
>> fundamental part of the microphone abstraction, since it's irrelevant to
>> my application (if anything should be recorded, it's the conversation,
>> not the output from the microphone), so I think we should try to find a
>> model where a microphone is an object that provides a data stream, and
>> that data stream can be connected to a different object that acts as a
>> recorder; if I don't need recording, I should not have to instantiate a
>> recorder.
> In effect, you want to create pipelines in JS/ES?

Received on Monday, 28 February 2011 12:57:21 UTC