RE: Issues in WADL stylesheet when referencing faults or methods

Dear Mark,

Sure: please find attached a modified version of WADL for Yahoo
NewsSearch application, that allows to reproduce both issues. In the
WADL, the 'GET' method and 'SearchError' fault elements are both defined
as children of the application element.

Included XSD files, and generated HTML output documentation are also


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Nottingham [] 
Sent: samedi 22 novembre 2008 17:51
Subject: Re: Issues in WADL stylesheet when referencing faults or

Could you provide sample input that triggers this?


On 22/11/2008, at 4:26 AM, SAINTILLAN YVES wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using the WADL XSL stylesheet and noticed a couple of issues when

> referencing faults or methods in a WADL:
> - When making a reference (href) to a Fault, defined directly  under 
> the application element, the fault is not correctly displayed in the 
> HTML output; in particular, the status of the fault (in the reference 
> or in the definition) does not appear.
> - Similarly, when making reference to a method, defined directly under

> the application element, the name of the method is not displayed in 
> the HTML documentation.
> So it seems the XSL stylesheet handles well references to 
> representations, but not faults or methods. Are you aware of these 
> issues ?
> Thanks and kind regards,
> Yves

Mark Nottingham

Received on Monday, 24 November 2008 11:14:29 UTC