ACTION-647: Review of SPARQL Overview Document

Below is my review of (SPARQL 1.1 Overview): 

I only have a few changes, overall the document reads well:

In 1.1 Example:

"With SPARQL 1.1 one can query such graphs, load them into RDF stores and manipulate them in various ways."
"With SPARQL 1.1 one can query such graphs, load them into RDF stores, and manipulate them in various ways."

In 4 SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query:

"This can be done by combining a query for the names of friends with a remote call to the SPARQL endpoint at finding out the name of <> using the SERVICE keyword as follows:"
"This can be done by combining a query for the names of friends with a remote call to the SPARQL endpoint at, using the SERVICE keyword to find the name of <> as follows:"

"Here, the first part of the pattern in the WHERE part"
"Here, the first part of the pattern in the WHERE clause

In 5 SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes

"(only an excerpt given)"
"(only an excerpt is given)"

In 7 SPARQL 1.1 Protocol for RDF:

"how to transfer SPARQL 1.1 queries and update requests to a SPARQL service via HTTP"
"how to send SPARQL 1.1 queries and update requests to a SPARQL service via HTTP"

In 9 SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol

If the example here is meant to mirror the Update example earlier, then I would suggest:

"the first part of the update request in Section 4 above is a simple insertion of triples into an RDF graph"
"the first part of the update request in Section 4 above is a simple insertion of triples into the default graph"

And the example would need to use the ?default keyword to direct the changes to the default graph:

POST /rdf-graphs/service?default HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/turtle
@prefix foaf: <> .
<> foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Dorothy" ] .

Chime Ogbuji
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Received on Saturday, 14 July 2012 01:25:41 UTC