Agenda: Distributed meeting 2008-02-26

Agenda: W3C XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG (XMLSec)
Teleconference 26 February 2008
Distributed Meeting #34

9-10:00 am Eastern Time

(Boston 9am, Dublin 2pm, CET/Paris 3pm)

Zakim Bridge:
        +1.617.761.6200 conference code 965732# ('XMLSEC')
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #xmlsec
Web-based IRC (member-only):

Please note that attendance of XMLSEC WG teleconferences is  
restricted to registered WG participants and persons invited by the  

Chair: Frederick Hirsch

Regrets: none

1) Administrivia: scribe confirmation, next meeting, other

1a)  Sean Mullan  is scheduled to scribe.

The current scribe list is at the end of this message.

     Scribe Instructions (updated):

1b)   Meeting planning

Meeting schedule is available on WG Administrative page:

Next meeting 4 March 2008. Rob Miller is scheduled to scribe at that  

1c) Charter status

XMLSec charter

2)  Minutes from 2008-02-19 for approval:

3) Progressing test case document to W3C Note

Status:  shortname, other.

4) Best Practices

Practices from Workshop and XMLSec meetings

Assign actions?

5) Action item review

     Open actions are listed in Tracker at 
     Text list:

Procedure for closing actions: 
[OPEN] ACTION-145: Sean Mullan to Look at W3C document license  
compatibility with sharing test cases with Apache - due 2008-02-19
[OPEN] ACTION-147: Thomas Roessler to Update the test cases document;  
polish for publication as a Note - due 2008-02-26
[OPEN] ACTION-148: Juan Carlos Cruellas to Send comments to EXI group  
as circulated to the XMLSEC - due 2008-02-26

6) Any other business

7) Adjourn

Scribing  list
Konrad Lanz (6 June 2007, 11 Sept 2007, 9 October 2007)
Rob Miller  (F2F 2 May 07 pm; 7 Aug 07, F2F 8 Nov 2007)
Pratik Datta (F2F 9 Nov, 2007)
Ed Simon (26 June 2007, 30 Oct 2007, 11 Dec 2007)
Phillip Hallam-Baker (22 May 2007, 28 Aug 2007, 18 December 2007)
Bruce Rich (4 Sept 2007, 8 January 2008)
Sean Mullan (F2F 3 May 07 pm; 14 Aug 07, 15 January 2008)
Hal Lockhart (10 July 2007, 23 October 2007, F2F 9 Nov 2007, 15  
January 2008)
John Wray (29 January 2008)
Shivaram Mysore (5 February 2008)
Thomas Roessler (17 July 2007; 17 Apr 07, 27 Nov 07, 4 December 2007,  
12 February 2008)
Juan Carlos Cruellas (15 May 2007, 16 October 2007, 19 February 2008)

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 15:43:54 UTC