"due consideration"

> "When people's opinions are ultimately rejected, it is not without due consideration first."

The word "consider" is used inconsistently, and the result is confusion. I am willing to believe the confusion isn't deliberate.

In some circumstances, you could say something has been "considered" if a person has given thought to the subject. So, I have considered what I am saying, here, but that consideration is my personal thought. T

On the other hand, in standards activities and other group decision making processes, a topic is "considered" if it has actually been raised, discussed, the sense of the participants assessed, before a group assessment and response is made.

In HTML, so far, most comments have only been "considered" in the former sense. I believe, however, that most people expect their contributions, feedback and comments on a standard specification to be "considered" in the latter sense, and what  "due consideration" requires in an open standards process.


Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 02:51:57 UTC