WS-Addr LC Issue 33 Closed


You raised issue lc33[1] against the last call working draft of the 
WS-Addressing SOAP Binding. The WG recently discussed your issue and 
decided to close it by accepting your proposals with the following 
editorial change to the first section of suggested text:

"When a message is to be addressed to an endpoint, the XML Infoset 
representation of each message addressing property that has been 
assigned a value is inserted into the message as a SOAP header block 
subject to the following additional constraints:"

We trust this resolution is satisfactory, if not please let us know 
with two weeks.

Marc (on behalf of the W3C WS-Addressing Working Group)


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Friday, 13 May 2005 18:55:24 UTC