Register now for early bird fee: Biocuration Conference 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The early bird registration deadline will end on April 25th for the 6th Biocuration Conference 2013, which will take place in Cambridge, UK

For more information please visit

There is a limited number of travel fellowships available, more information you will find on the website<>

Online registration ends: 30th March 2013

Travel Fellowships application deadline: 1st March, 2013

Conference dates: 7-10th April 2013

2013 GMOD meeting dates: 5-6th April 2013

Ontologies with Galaxy workshop now to be held during the Biocuration conference, Monday 8th April 2013

We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge in April (7th-10th) 2013.

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Best regards,

The Organizing Committee

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 14:04:58 UTC