Re: w3process-ISSUE-80: Publishing Note to end unfinished REC should only be SHOULD

Section 7.3.3 Stopping work on a Specification currently says,

"If the Director closes a Working Group W3C must publish any unfinished specifications on the Recommendation track as Working Group Notes. If a Working group decides, or the Director requires, the Working Group to discontinue work on a technical report before completion, the Working Group should publish the document as a Working Group Note."

It would be more clear if it said,

"If the Director closes a Working Group W3C must publish any unfinished specifications on the Recommendation track as Working Group Notes. If a Working group decides to discontinue work on a technical report before completion, the Working Group should publish the document as a Working Group Note. If the Director requires the Working Group to discontinue work on a technical report before completion and the Working Group fails to publish unfinished work as a Working Group Note, W3C must publish any unfinished specifications as Working Group Notes."

This is more verbose, but is also more accurate. [It has been noted that the third "If" above has not yet occurred in practice and that if it did there are other ways (like refusing to renew a charter) to encourage a functioning WG to fulfill their "should publish" obligation. ]

Steve Zilles

Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 18:29:27 UTC