RE: Extension XPathExpressions in step arguments - 2.7 XPath Extension Functions

Both of your examples were right.
The extension functions are available when the *processor* evaluates the
XPath expression and the step gets the result of the expression. The
"select" attribute of p:with-option, p:variable, ... is the best example
of this, or the "select" expression on p:input, or the "test" expression
of p:when, ...
The functions are not available if the *step* evaluates the expression.
This happens with steps like p:string-replace (the "replace" option) or
p:split-sequence ("test"). (One confusing case could be p:filter, which
has an option named "select" :)


	From: []
On Behalf Of David A. Lee
	Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 3:45 AM
	To: XProc Dev
	Subject: Extension XPathExpressions in step arguments - 2.7
XPath Extension Functions
	I'd like confirmation of my understanding please.
	In 2.7 XPath Extension Functions
	It lists the extension xpath functions which are required.
	Is it true that these are only implemented on explict xpath step
options such as "select=" 
	but NOT in the step library options.
	For example:
	p:system-property IS exposed
	<p:string-replace match="/doc/episode/@value">
	<p:with-option name="replace"
select="concat('&quot;',p:system-property('p:episode'), '&quot;')"/>


	BUT ... 

	p:system-property is NOT exposed (error is thrown)

	<p:string-replace match=/doc/episode/@value

	David A. Lee


Received on Friday, 9 January 2009 07:42:09 UTC