ACTION-74: Propose options to move forward with Capture

Hi all,

here is a three-level suggestion to move forward with the Capture API. It is an attempt to find a path towards consensus on what to write and what to publish.

The three levels that I have in mind are:

• Snapshot capture, external view/sound finder
  This is essentially what could already be done today (has been done in at least Opera Mini): you click a file input button and instead of just a file picker you can also take a picture, or record AV content.
  In trusted runtimes, you can synthesise the click even to get the same result (using jQuery, $("<input type=file accept=image/*").bind("change", sucCB).click() is all you ought to need).
  It may be useful to capture this in a (probably non-normative, except perhaps for what to do in trusted cases) document, to clarify the topic and possibly plug some holes.

• Snapshot capture, embeddable view/sound finder
  As has been discussed earlier, this requires a simple API addition to the existing <input> apparatus. A possible proposal for this has been described at This proposal can be refined to include some desirable aspects that have been requested (such as controlling the likes of zoom, aperture, etc.).
  This would require a normative specification, but it shouldn't need to be very complicated.

• Streaming capture
  The basic use case for this is videoconferencing, which has more advanced requirements. It corresponds to the <device> discussion.


Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2010 13:52:33 UTC