Re: [minutes] eGov IG Chairs call -- 19 Nov 2008

> ...
> Summary of Action Items
>   ACTION-37 - Draft document outline based on existing stuff [on José
>   Manuel Alonso - due 2008-11-26].
>   ACTION-38 - Update Activity Plan [on Kevin Novak - due 2008-11-26].

I forgot to add then (and have just done now [1]) to create an ACTION  
on me to get more use cases from people outside the Group. I'll set up  
a list in a wiki page of people I think could contribute interesting  
stuff and will welcome input.

It'll take me a little while though. I expect to fulfill this  
ACTION-40 by the beginning of the year but hopefully have a list in 2  
weeks or less (unfortunately, I'll be traveling all next week).

Btw, the tracker is read/write for all Group participants. I encourage  
all of you with open (and overdue) actions to take a look and fulfill  

I expect next Group call on Wednesday to have more or less the same  
agenda as previous one, but we might want to go through the full open  
action list this time.



Jose M. Alonso <>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead        

Received on Saturday, 22 November 2008 22:05:58 UTC