Re: Vibration test update (Re ACTION-701: DAP testing status)

Hi Zhiqiang,

On 14 Jul 2014, at 10:19, Zhang, Zhiqiang <> wrote:

> ... we still miss tests for
>    - do nothing when hidden
>    - cancel when dynamically hidden
>    - reinstate when dynamically shown
>    - invalid values
> If you have tests for these checkpoints or want to write some, feel free to submit them to

Please feel free to write test cases for these (I guess “reinstate...” can be dropped due to changes in the spec since the TODO was written), I’m happy to review them.

As discussed, despite you being the Test Facilitator, we can still relax the rules in such a way that also you can write tests as long as someone else reviews them before you integrate them.



Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 08:38:39 UTC