Hi all,

This is the feedback to close the action I took during last call (ACTION-164	"Email the list explaining the differences between the successive BONDI approaches to messaging, and why the functionality got merged into a single API"):

In BONDI 1.01 there were two APIs in which messaging related functionalities were offered:

1) The Messaging API [1], that allowed to create and send messages via SMS, MMS, or EMail.
2) The CommLog API [2], that allowed access to the information related to the communications held by the device through Messaging and Telephony. I.e. it offered access to the different message lists and message content.

The decision of having functionalities related with messaging in different modules was based in the different use cases and security/privacy requirements linked to them. 

However, when implementing the APIs in the Reference Implementation and reviewing the scope of BONDI 1.1 we decided to merge all the messaging capabilities in a single API [3] because of the following reasons:

- There was a high dependency between them in terms of constants and interfaces.
- The functionality in the commlog API was not exactly a log of communications as for instance it also offered access to the content of the messages (not only to the log info such as sender, recipient, date/time).
- The different use cases/privacy needs could be easily addressed through the use of BONDI Security Framework. 

The BONDI 1.1 messaging API offers the following functionalities:

- Send messages.
- Manage the messages stored in the device: read and delete them.
- Subscribe for being notified upon incoming messages.

I would like also to take the opportunity to introduce my colleague Maria Oteo (CCed) who recently started to join the WG calls and will also help in the messaging API edition. Depending on our workload she may also edit some of the APIs currently with no editor.

Best Regards


Daniel Coloma
+34 686974951

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 09:47:11 UTC