Re: inheritance & reuse

Thanks for your feedback on SHACL. As usual with emails from people 
outside of the WG, let me clarify that I am not speaking on behalf of 
the group. Some quick feedback below...

On 16/01/2016 7:08 AM, Johnston, Patrick - Hoboken wrote:
> Howdy.
> I have started looking at the current draft spec from the point of 
> view of a shape designer (‘shapist’, ’shacler’?).
> I am using the spec to think through a current project, which is 
> essentially an enterprise level information model abstraction using 
> OWL. Adding shapes into the mix brings in many of the issues described 
> in, among 
> others. This is allowing me to understand what you have done, and test 
> some of the ideas in an applied setting. I am using Holger’s test 
> harness ( as a way to explore this.
> Anyone wanting to implement shapes will find managing them a major 
> challenge.  Much more so than ontologies, the number of different sets 
> of constraints a reasonably sized enterprise might need to implement 
> will lead to a large number of shapes applicable in different 
> scenarios, and at different points in enterprise workflows. Start 
> exposing these alongside open data, and it will get worse. As a 
> result, there will be lots of shape graphs with some degree of 
> variation between them, but also with much in common. Even within a 
> given shapes graph, there will be many shapes that share the same 
> characteristics. In the same way that we build reusable code 
> libraries, we will want to build reusable shapes and shape parts. One 
> could even foresee some of these served up through open data shape 
> repositories.
> For the moment, I am looking at what I can do within a given shapes 
> graph. I am limited in terms of what I can test with owl:imports, as 
> this would really require the test harness to support something like 
> TriG (or JSON-LD) so that I could define multiple graphs and explore 
> the ramifications of merging triple sets between them (I think jena 
> supports this, though WGTest seems hard coded to turtle). However, I 
> can explore most of the implications from within a single shapes graph.
> I have written a series of test cases to validate my interpretations 
> of what you have written. I am hopeful that this may actually serve to 
> reduce some of the ambiguities in the spec, in particular how SHACL 
> relates to RDFS and OWL from a practical standpoint, which is far from 
> clear (to me at least). If this useful to you, I am happy to create a 
> pull request to add the tests to the test bank – it doesn’t look like 
> I am overlapping with the current set. I am also happy to work on 
> other similar scenarios. If this is not useful to you, it’s still a 
> good learning experience for me. Happy to discuss as well.
>  1. Reusing the same constraint definitions (reuse-001, OK)
>  2. Having a shape use another shape definition:
>      1. By explicitly referencing it* (reuse-002, the test that fails
>         is a possible enhancement to the spec)

FWIW you have a ex:scopeClass there - should be sh:scopeClass I guess. 
We had discussed how to best represent "inheritance" between shapes, and 
concluded that sh:and is sufficient. Other presentation languages such 
as a compact syntax may provide sugar to display these differently.

> 1.
>      1. Through shape class inheritance (inheritance-001, this test
>         fails – not sure if it’s a bug in the test or this is what is
>         supposed to happen)

I think this is the expected behavior. Using rdfs:subClassOf between 
shapes does not have any effect unless you use them as classes. But your 
example has instances of ex:Class1. A solution based on subClassOf would 
require you to make Shape1 superclass of Class1 and attach the 
constraints of Shape2 to Class1.

> 1.
>  2. Having a shape apply to data graph subclasses of a class in its
>     scope (inheritance-003, OK).
>  3. The ramifications of shape merging through reuse, inheritance, and
>     owl:import.
>      1. The same shape with overlapping constraints (inheritance-002,
>         fails for the same reason inheritance-001 fails)
>      2. Different shapes with the same scope and overlapping
>         constraints (inheritance-004, OK)
>      3. Duplicated triples in data graphs (e.g. If there are instances
>         of shape classes in the owl:import) (duplication-001, OK)

RDF graphs are sets of triples, so it is not possible to have duplicate 
triples in a single Turtle file. The Jena parser would already remove 
the duplicates.

> 1.
>  2. The effect of uniqueLang when language is not specified
>     (uniqueLang-001, fails)

I cannot comment on how common the case you describe will be in practice 
- having a fallback language and interpreting plain xsd:string literals 
as having a default language. Maybe you are right, but it will certainly 
complicate the logic here (e.g. we would need to decide what to do with 
rdf:HTML triples not just xsd:string). In any case there is the fallback 
to define your variation of the unique language pattern in SPARQL.

> *I think this is something missing from the spec. I should be able to 
> use sh:shape from one shape to another: ex:Shape1 sh:shape ex:Shape2. 
> Compare ex:Shape2 with ex:Shape3 in the enclosed reuse-002.ttl. Of 
> course, similar effects could be achieved with rdfs:subClassOf on 
> shapes, though this doesn’t appear to work currently.
> (A minor request on the test harness: it would be useful if it spat 
> out a positive message with the filename on a successful test result. 
> It’s sometimes hard to work out what you’re testing. It’s not a big 
> deal, though.)

Feel free to send me a snippet (and where in the code to insert it)


Received on Saturday, 16 January 2016 03:56:11 UTC