[tvapi] Minutes - 29 September 2015

Hello all,

Here are the minutes for today's TV Control API CG call (29 September 2015):

and pasted in full below.

With regards,
Daniel Davis


                               - DRAFT -

              TV Control API meeting - 29th September 2015

29 Sep 2015

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2015/09/29-tvapi-irc


          Kaz, Daniel, Bin, Paul, SungHei

          Bin Hu

          ddavis, kaz


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Status summary
         2. [5]TPAC 2015
         3. [6]Conference calls
         4. [7]Future of TV API/Apple TV api
         5. [8]any other business
     * [9]Summary of Action Items



   <ddavis> scribenick: ddavis

Status summary

   skim13: I asked Sean to have a look at what we've done.

   I think everything I intended has been added to the spec. I
   changed the TV Manager as proposed in emails.

   skim13: I added an event to the TV Manager. Also to the TV
   Channel part I added two attributes.

   <kaz> action-38?

   <trackbot> action-38 -- Sung Hei Kim to Propose an api spec for
   conditional access systems -- due 2015-09-01 -- OPEN


     [11] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/track/actions/38

   skim13: Those are the two biggest changes.
   ... I also added the TV CI Card interface and TV CI card change
   event in the TV Manager part.
   ... Also added one enumeration.
   ... In the final version everything I intended was in there.

   Bin_Hu: Are you planning to merge them?

   skim13: I've merged them and have asked Sean to make sure I did
   the changes correctly.

   PaulHiggs: I had a quick look - it looks good.

   <kaz> [12]Editor's draft

     [12] http://w3c.github.io/tvapi/spec/

   Bin_Hu: Let's talk about the final review.
   ... Comments have already been addressed so let's close action
   item 38

   skim13: Also I proposed to removed one requirement.

   PaulHiggs: Was that the decrypt?

   skim13: Yes

   Bin_Hu: Next is action #39

   <kaz> close action-38

   <trackbot> Closed action-38.

   <kaz> action-39

   <trackbot> action-39 -- Paul Higgs to Look into parental
   control -- due 2015-09-01 -- OPEN


     [13] http://www.w3.org/community/tvapi/track/actions/39

   Bin_Hu: I think this has already been reported.

   PaulHiggs: Parental control, yes, I think we're done with that
   ... It looks like suitable updates to the spec have been done.

   Bin_Hu: So let's close action 39

   <kaz> close action-39

   <trackbot> Closed action-39.

   close action-39

   <trackbot> Closed action-39.

   Bin_Hu: Next is 40.

   PaulHiggs: There's something in the spec.
   ... I've not had a chance to look at it. It seems to be around
   the TV media stream. There's a track added to it.
   ... We'd discussed various approaches. I wasn't sure how it was
   going to look. I'll take a look at it.
   ... We can see if what we have got will work in practice.

   Bin_Hu: Let's close action #40

   close action-40

   <trackbot> Closed action-40.

   PaulHiggs: The other thing in that action was discussion around
   program data. There was a requirement program.data.detail
   ... The requirement said it should be possible for the
   tuner/EPG to make it available to the web app.
   ... Right now that's marked as blank in the progress doc.
   ... We might need a new action. It depends whether we want to
   keep this or how we want to handle this program.data.detail
   ... I think we took the requirement for the decrypt away
   because it's not something the web app is going to do.
   ... Looking at the email chain around action #40 there are
   various suggestions. We could have a JSON string.
   ... I think I've done the analysis already, it just hasn't been
   picked up by the editors.

   Bin_Hu: Let's follow up on that.
   ... Let's have an action for Sean

   <scribe> ACTION: Sean to verify the CAS-related changes
   proposed. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-41 - Verify the cas-related changes
   proposed. [on Sean Lin - due 2015-10-06].

   <scribe> ACTION: Sean to review the emails around
   program.data.detail and implement/remove requirement. [recorded

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-42 - Review the emails around
   program.data.detail and implement/remove requirement. [on Sean
   Lin - due 2015-10-06].

   Bin_Hu: We need experts to review the spec and look for
   inconsistencies and other issues.

   PaulHiggs: We intend to have this complete by TPAC, is that

   Bin_Hu: We'd like to have a stable version. It doesn't mean
   nothing can be changed though.
   ... We also need a review some time in November. It's not a
   formal working group so we don't have Last Call, CR, etc.
   ... But my intention is to have a stable draft by TPAC and then
   another month to review it.
   ... Then, if no changes, we can publish it at the end of
   December or early January.

   PaulHiggs: Can I propose a different schedule. We could even
   start a review now.
   ... Hopefully this would involve the entire community group and
   even wider.
   ... Then we can present it at TPAC as being close-to-finished.
   That could generate new input/requirements for a new
   ... publishing things around december may not get noticed.

   ddavis: People could prepare their comments in advance of TPAC.

   PaulHiggs: I think the spec is good enough now.

   Bin_Hu: OK, so let's start the community review on Friday
   before TPAC meeting.
   ... That would be October 23rd.
   ... We can then start to think about the next evolution, use
   cases, etc.
   ... Meanwhile outstanding issues could be fixed.

   kaz: So we open the review now and close on October 23rd,

   Bin_Hu: Yes and then discuss at TPAC on Monday 26th October.

   kaz: So we can be flexible because this is just a community

   PaulHiggs: We could CC the media stream people as we use some
   of their work.
   ... Whoever's working on the media stream API.

   Bin_Hu: That's the HTML media mailing list.
   ... We can send it to TV IG, TV API CG and HTML media.
   ... The target is to officially publish it by the end of this
   year, then think about the next evolution.

   ddavis: I think W3C would support this becoming a working

   kaz: Yes, and we should include the accessibility task force.

TPAC 2015

   Bin_Hu: The agenda hasn't been figured out yet and there are
   lots of topics for the TV IG face-to-face meeting.
   ... There are potentially 10 topics including updates from
   standards organizations.
   ... The whole session will start from around 9:00 to 13:00,
   then 14:00 to 17:00 - 7 hours altogether.
   ... (excluding lunch)
   ... That only leaves 40-45 minutes for each topic - not long.
   ... I want to propose to the web and TV IG a slot of 1 hour for
   the TV Control API.
   ... If they can give us 2 hours that would be good.
   ... I personally won't be able to be at TPAC.
   ... I hope that the team contacts can help with the agenda as
   well as the chairs.
   ... For the report I hope that PaulHiggs can help because he's
   very familiar with it and can answer questions people may have.
   ... After the report will be a next steps discussion - new use
   cases, new requirements - to gauge interest.
   ... Maybe PaulHiggs or Chris might be interested in moderating
   this discussion.
   ... We can discuss this offline.

   PaulHiggs: Unfortunately I won't be able to make it either.

   Bin_Hu: I'll contact Chris to see if he will be there.

   kaz: You said that Sean may be at TPAC?
   ... Maybe we could ask Sean to help with the session as well.

   Bin_Hu: That's a good suggestion.

   kaz: Note that they'll be a developer meetup event at the same
   venue in the evening so people might want to move there
   straight after the web and TV meeting.

   <kaz> [16]dev meetup

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2015/10/meetup-sapporo.html

   Bin_Hu: So I'll propose time for two items: 1) Report, 2) Next
   steps/moving forward
   ... Tentatively we'll ask Sean to host the session with help
   from team contacts/chairs.
   ... Ideally it would be from 9:00.
   ... Or right after lunch from 14:00

   kaz: We could put a request in the wiki for 60 minutes or 90
   minutes. That would be helpful for the chairs.

Conference calls

   Bin_Hu: I propose we cancel the next call and then we have
   Thanksgiving and Christmas.
   ... We should probably re-schedule.
   ... I suggest November 10th and December 8th.

   PaulHiggs: I don't have a problem re-scheduling to avoid

   kaz: At least in Japan and maybe China we should be careful
   about the time difference because after TPAC daylight saving
   ends at it's a longer time difference.

   PaulHiggs: From Sunday November 1st here.

   kaz: We still go with Boston time right?

   Bin_Hu: Yes, but in Japan it may change.

   kaz: So we don't need to change the Webex schedule.

Future of TV API/Apple TV api

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   ddavis: may have seen already
   ... Apple made an announcement on TVML and TVJS
   ... TVJS looks somewhat like our TV Control API
   ... JS framework to extend W3C JS API mechanism
   ... would be helpful to see what they're doing
   ... could be part of the next step discussion at TPAC

   PaulHiggs: think you're right
   ... definitely interesting
   ... but they don't use W3C's video element...

   tation/TVMLJS/Reference/TVJSFrameworkReference/index.html TVJS


   ddavis: part of TVML?

   PaulHiggs: part of JS
   ... that's the interesting thing

   ddavis: they don't use video element for their player
   ... part of the reasons is simplification

   PaulHiggs: TVML is the series of styles
   ... have some productive behavior
   ... and TVJS is underlying mechanism
   ... would be standardizing it

   ddavis: TVML part is also a wrapper of regular HTML/CSS DOM
   ... not directly related
   ... maybe we might want Apple to join the TV Control API work

   PaulHiggs: we're focused on tuner capability
   ... not very much on streaming

   ddavis: parental control could be applied

   PaulHiggs: streaming from iTune boxes
   ... similar native app language like Amazon

   bin: do you want to discuss this at TPAC?

   ddavis: nice to raise this

   kaz: might be good to have somebody from Apple

   bin: should be part of the next evolution

   kaz: maybe we could have this as part of "next generation use

   <ddavis> scribenick: ddavis

any other business

   Bin_Hu: We need to keep the momentum going and can carry on by

   PaulHiggs: Do we have another call before TPAC?

   Bin_Hu: No

   PaulHiggs: Enjoy TPAC!

   kaz: We'll have a remote Webex session at TPAC.
   ... There'll be a big time difference!

   Bin_Hu: So we'd prefer the morning session.
   ... Will you be able to take care of logistics?

   kaz: I think so.

   Bin_Hu: Thank you and enjoy TPAC.

   Meeting adjourned.

   <scribe> meeting: TV Control API meeting

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Sean to review the emails around
   program.data.detail and implement/remove requirement. [recorded
   [NEW] ACTION: Sean to verify the CAS-related changes proposed.
   [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 14:30:40 UTC