After HTML 5 / future work

Snapshot of the following etherpad page used to capture brainstorming 
from the TPAC F2F:


(needs context - what is the context of this document? group? date? 
time? why? )
Modularization ideas
* contentEditable = typing | plaintext
* Authoring conformance / "HTML for Web developers"? [or are these 
* Usage of alt
* ARIA mapping
* Outline API
* Tri-state control
* Participation in form submission
* timezone attribute
* computedRole
* scoped tabindex
* locale-affected form controls (calendar, number...)
* canvas-proxy
* refactoring to work with Fetch
* JSON forms
Failed CR / pushed-off Items
* DataCue
* Drag and drop
* datetime, month, week, datetime-local input
* menu/menuitem elements
* style scoped
* iframe seamless
* showModalDialog (?)
* commands API
* forceSpellCheck()
* reportValidity()
* requestAutocomplete()
* contextmenu
* BroadcastChannel
* (hgroup?)
* isPointInStroke
* autocomplete="cc-type" et al
* fillRule on canvas 2d context
* document.currentScript
* screen.canvasResolution
* PortCollection
* canvas.supportsContext
* fastSeek() on audio/video
* ping attribute (WE DON'T WANT THAT :)
* inputmode (partially leftover as a bug but not there)
* details/summary elements
* dialog element
* picture element/srcset (which we could publish straight from its source :)
* table sorting
* lots of bug fixes
Other items/groups ... from other WG specs, not listed above -- and we 
need to update the landscape document (from June), then have definitive 
list -- and provide rationale, difference, additions <- what paulc is 
looking for.
Things to check:
Impact of Scripting (ECMAScript)
Service worker
Web components

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2014 22:27:30 UTC