Re: FW: FW: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data

Hi Kara,
Thanks for you input, you are right that this question is unhelpfully 

In fact, a key focus of the LD4LT group is to find out what are the 
_right_ questions to ask. Especially in respect to how linked data might 
help in the management of language resources (including terminology) in 
real world commercial and governmental use cases.

So here's a few more specific questions that perhaps might lead us 
closer. We are interested to hear more from you and others experienced 
in terminology management in understanding better the likely use cases 
and appropriate interoperability solutions.

The linguistic linked data community have been active in developing open 
lexical resources using the LEMON vocabulary [1] and the ontolex 
community group [2] is currently turning this into a vocabulary that may 
be suitable for standardization in the W3C. So:

1) how important is the use case where existing tools that are used to 
manage corporate term bases (and perhaps based on TMF or TBX schema) 
need to import lexical, multilingual and/or conceptual data from an open 
LEMON-based repository such as babelNet?

2) How would the import from (1) best be accomplished?
Would TBX be the best exchange format? or RDF?
What loss of information might be likely when conducting such an import?
Does such data loss matter for corporate terminology management tasks?

3) How important is the use case where organizations make their term 
bases public using RDF?
Would LEMON or the ontolex vocab be the best option for this?
Would there be some loss of termbase content in doing this?
Are there termbase data that should not typically be made public?

4) Is there much need to maintain links between active term bases being 
managed and maintained in separate organizations?


I look forward to hearing more views on this,

On 20/05/2014 14:51, wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:29 PM
> Subject: Re: FW: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data
> Hi Tomas,
> This is a very broad question therefore not possible to answer without further details.
> "How can this interoperate with lingustic linked data that supports term or phrase translation, e.g. babelnet"
> TBX can interoperate with any linguistic resource that supports the basic ISO standards (TMF and TBX).
> "linguistic linked data that supports term or phrase translation" are very diverse.
> Hope this helps, and looking forward to our discussions on MED.
> Kara
> On Tue, 20 May 2014 12:57:50 +0000
>   <> wrote:
>> Dear Ms. Warburton,
>> Any comments on the item below?
>> I will come back to you on the MED.
>> Regards
>> Tomas
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group Issue Tracker []
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:52 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data
>> ld4lt-ISSUE-4 (terminology): Terminology and linked data
>> Raised by: David Lewis
>> On product:
>> Many localisation and terminology management tools use the XML Term based eXchange format (TBX) [1][2] to exchange terminological data. How can this interoperate with lingustic linked data that supports term or phrase translation, e.g. babelnet [2]?
>> Further TBX resoruces can be found at [3]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
> Kara Warburton
> Chair, ISO TC37
> Consultant in terminology management, Termologic
> (Hong Kong) 5968-0306

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 13:31:41 UTC