[ISSUE-2] Module suggestions for META-SHARE RDF vocabulary

Hi all,
At the last call we discussed the template for the meta-share ontology 
as kindly initiated by Jorge:

with further information at:

We discussed modules for this to help break down the taks and to 
partition parts that might take more time to agree or need involvement 
by different subgroups compared to others.

We already agreed to have a CORE component and split out a LICENSES 
module, but had asked for other suggestions.

I'd like to propose two further modules:

RESOURCE_TYPE corresponding to the resrouceComponentType part of the 
meta-share schema: 


USAGE_TYPE corresponding to the usageInfo part of the meta-share schema:

These contain large enumerations that could both be subject to ongoing 
debate and likely candidate for extension/specialization. By separating 
these out we can avoid such debate delaying work on the CORe module.

Should we add these as modules to the spreadsheet?

 From an ontology modelling viewpoint, how should we manage the 
modelling in these proposed modules, would a class taxonomy be a better 
approach and an enumeration?

Kind Regards,

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 09:34:28 UTC