Minor: missed one rename of readyState to signalingstatechange

Just wanted to point out a typo here: 
> onsignalingstatechange of type EventHandler,
>     This event handler, of event handler event type 
> signalingstatechange, MUST be supported by all objects implementing 
> the RTCPeerConnection interface. It is called any time the readyState 
> changes, i.e., from a call to setLocalDescription, a call to 
> setRemoteDescription, or code. It does not fire for the initial state 
> change into new.


readyState was the old name.

Not to be confused with RTCDataChannel.readyState or 
MediaStreamTrack.readyState (e.g. all other references to readyState in 
this doc).

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 16:44:41 UTC