Overview of testing in view of CR exit


based on the discussion we had at the face to face, I've made a pass 
over the ToC to reflect the notions we had about what is considered 
stable on its own (as per exit criteria), what requires testing, and in 
the latter set what has implementations and/or tests (I took a 
conservative approach to flagging that and will be refining it to add more).

This provides the basic information from which to start planning the CR 
exit. All the parts that are flagged as needing testing but not having 
tests will need to have tests written, and once we have tests for all of 
them they will need to be run through two implementations to produce an 
implementation report.



Comments welcome,

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 14:39:33 UTC