Re: ISSUE-58: the simple solution to inlined membership

On 5/13/13 12:25 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> Hi,
>       During today's teleconference discussing this issue I suddenly
> realised that there is a  futher solution to those presented here, which
> I think is both simpler and can be applied much more widely: that is to
> all linked data.
>   So first of all it turns out that there are good arguments for the 
> use cases
> of A and B/C . The current proposals end up requiring the creation of two
> new relations. This is problematic because linked data consumers need to
> know about these relations. That is a Linked Data Client instead of 
> just having
> to make the following query on an LDPC named ldpc
>    val members =  ldpc/rdf.member
> It now has to also do something like the following
> val members = if ( (ldpc/membersInlined).contains("true") )
>                               ldpc/ldp.memberInlined
>                          else {
>                              val local = ldpc/ldp.memberInlined
>                              val remote = (ldpc/rdf.member - 
> local).map( _.follow )
>                              local union remote
>                           }
> ( much more complex that this to tell you the truth )
> What is problematic about this is that it would only work for LDPCs, 
> and one could
> easily imagine that each LDP service would develop its own version 
> making code
> unecessarily difficult.
> But I have to explain the simple solution to make it clear why I can 
> use "unecessarily
> difficult": the simple answer is that RDF already comes with the tools 
> to make distinguish
> nodes one can follow and nodes one cannot: the blank node! So I 
> propose that for resources
> where all the data is contained locally you do the following
> <> a ldp:Container;
>    rdf:member [ atom:title "Atom Robots Run Amock" ;
>                          atom:summary "Atom Robots having drunk a 
> triple espresso semantic powerade....";
>                          atom:content " ...." ;
>                          atom:id 
> "http://news.example/2013/05/13/atomRobots"^^xsd:anyURI;
>                          atom:updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;
>                        ],
>                        [ atom:title "Semantic Revolution in the 
> Blogosphere";
>                          atom:summary "it all makes sense!";
>                          atom:id 
> "http://news.example/2013/05/12/semanticRevolution"^^xsd:anyURI;
>                          ...
>                        ] .
> So here it is no way to follow the LDPC members, and the ids are not 
> URIs in use
> either. If you do want to also allow people to follow the links you 
> can use owl:sameAs or perhaps
> the rel=self relation from atom
> <> a ldp:Container;
>    rdf:member [ atom:title "Atom Robots Run Amock" ;
>                          atom:summary "Atom Robots having drunk a 
> triple espresso semantic powerade....";
>                          atom:content " ...." ;
>                          atom:self <atomRobots>;
>                          atom:updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime;
>                        ],
>                        [ atom:title "Semantic Revolution in the 
> Blogosphere";
>                          atom:summary "it all makes sense!";
>                          atom:self <semanticRevolution>;
>                          ...
>                        ] .
> Finally for members where the data should be followed first rather 
> than later
> <> a ldp:Container;
>  rdf:member <atomRobots>,  <semanticRevolution> .
> # a bit of extra data for people arriving on this resource using 
> simpler tools...
> <atomRobots> atom:title "Atom Robots Run Amock" ;
>                          atom:summary "Atom Robots having drunk a 
> triple espresso semantic powerade....";
>                          atom:updated "2013-05-13..."^^xsd:dateTime .
> <semanticRevolution> atom:title "Semantic Revolution in the Blogosphere";
>                          atom:summary "it all makes sense!" .
> The advantage of this is that one can write clients that follow links 
> automatically ( with
> cleverly built cashes to avoid fetching ontologies such as foaf or DC 
> of course )
> so that as far as possible they always  go to the source of the data, 
> where the information
> is defined. When a server does not wish this to happen the server can 
> simply use the blank
> node thereby simply stopping the possiblity of getting further 
> information!  The atom:self type
> relation or owl:sameAs then gives a way for the server to express that 
> all the data is available
> remotely at that location.
> This way we have an answer that works for all LDP resources and we can 
> write generic
> code without having to make special corner cases for each type of 
> resource we come across.


> Henry
> On 30 Apr 2013, at 20:51, Arnaud Le Hors < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Looking back at what has been said on this issue, I see several 
>> possible paths forward:
>> Option A: Richard's original proposal (without all the details):
>> Add to ldp:Container a boolean property which, when true, indicates 
>> that a complete description of all the members is inlined in the 
>> container document.
>> Option B:
>> Add to ldp:Container a property ldp:memberInlined which indicates the 
>> members for which a complete description is inlined in the container 
>> document.
>> Option C:
>> Add a boolean property ldp:memberInlined which, when true, indicates 
>> that a complete description of that member is inlined in the 
>> container document.
>> Option D:
>> Add a repeatable HTTP Header, such as X-Cacheable-for, which when set 
>> to a member URI means that a complete description of that member is 
>> inlined in the container document.
>> Here are some examples for each options:
>> Option A:
>> # The following is the representation of
>> #
>> @prefix dcterms: <>.
>> @prefix ldp:      <>.
>> @prefix o:       <>.
>> <>
>>   a o:NetWorth, ldp:Container;
>>   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset;
>>   o:asset <a1>, <a2>;
>>    ldp:membersInlined true.
>> <a1>
>>    a o:Stock;
>>    o:value 10000.
>> <a2>
>>    a o:Bond;
>>    o:value 20000.
>> Option B:
>> # The following is the representation of
>> #
>> @prefix dcterms: <>.
>> @prefix ldp:      <>.
>> @prefix o:       <>.
>> <>
>>   a o:NetWorth, ldp:Container;
>>   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset;
>>   o:asset <a1>, <a2>;
>>    ldp:memberInlined <a1>, <a2>.
>> <a1>
>>    a o:Stock;
>>    o:value 10000.
>> <a2>
>>    a o:Bond;
>>    o:value 20000.
>> Option C:
>> # The following is the representation of
>> #
>> @prefix dcterms: <>.
>> @prefix ldp:      <>.
>> @prefix o:       <>.
>> <>
>>   a o:NetWorth, ldp:Container;
>>   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset;
>>   o:asset <a1>, <a2>.
>> <a1>
>>    a o:Stock;
>>    o:value 10000;
>>    ldp:memberInlined true.
>> <a2>
>>    a o:Bond;
>>    o:value 20000;
>>    ldp:memberInlined true.
>> Option D:
>> # The following is the representation of
>> #
>> @prefix dcterms: <>.
>> @prefix ldp:      <>.
>> @prefix o:       <>.
>> <>
>>   a o:NetWorth, ldp:Container;
>>   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset;
>>   o:asset <a1>, <a2>.
>> <a1>
>>    a o:Stock;
>>    o:value 10000.
>> <a2>
>>    a o:Bond;
>>    o:value 20000.
>> HTTP Headers:
>> X-Cacheable-for:
>> X-Cacheable-for:
>> Comments anyone?
>> --
>> Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group
> Social Web Architect



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Received on Monday, 13 May 2013 16:58:25 UTC