Re: agenda+ referencing ontology (Re: ISSUE-119: ITS RDF Ontology creation [MLW-LT Standard Draft])

Hi Dave,

just FYI, I made a few other changes to
(see the auto-generated updated N3 version at the end of this mail)
based on Sebastian's feedback. These are again conversions from "data 
type property" to "object property".

I don't know an answer to your concerns, Dave, and hope that Sebastian 
can reply, esp. the need to point to an OWL instance.



Am 17.04.13 17:14, schrieb Dave Lewis:
> Felix, Sebastian,
> I'm not sure I follow the reasoning behind this change. I've tried to 
> outline my concerns below so it would be great if you could clarify 
> this for us.
> If we assume that any instances following this ontology originally are 
> converted from an XML or HTML file with ITS annotation, then there is 
> no guarantee that the URIs point to an OWL instance - we don't make 
> any such restrictions in the spec. They could just point to a web page 
> or a UUID or what ever else makes sense in the context of the original 
> file.
> My understanding of owl:ObjectProperty however is that it must point 
> to an OWL instance, i.e. something that is an instance of an 
> owl:Thing, so using the ontology declaration:
> itsrdf:taAnnotatorsRef
>     a owl:ObjectProperty .
> would not actually be true in valid ITS cases where the URI referred 
> to a resource that is not an OWL instance.
> That was my motivation for specifying this as just:
> :taAnnotatorsRef rdf:type rdfs:property;
>      rdfs:range xsd:anyURI .
> since it doesn't preclude either of the owl:DatatypeProperty or the 
> owl:ObjectProperty options. I see this as necessary since we won't 
> know which one is appropriate without actually de-referencing the URI. 
> Perhaps such a check could be a final optional step in the ITS-NIF 
> mapping - but its more of an optimisation I think?
> cheers,
> Dave
> On 17/04/2013 14:22, Felix Sasaki wrote:
>> Thanks, Sebastian. Is now updated at
>> Dave, can you check whether this is ok, and if yes, update
>> Thanks,
>> Felix
>> Am 17.04.13 14:54, schrieb Sebastian Hellmann:
>>> Hi Felix,
>>> I had another look at the new version. There is a small, but 
>>> important difference between DatatypeProperties and xsd:anyURI, see 
>>> here: 
>>> (see Axel Polleres answer)
>>> In your case however you want to refer to the the rdf:resources, so 
>>> anything with xsd:anyURI should be owl:ObjectProperty with no 
>>> rdfs:range:
>>> itsrdf:taAnnotatorsRef
>>>     a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
>>>     rdfs:range xsd:anyURI .
>>> should be:
>>> itsrdf:taAnnotatorsRef
>>>     a owl:ObjectProperty .
>>> This implies per definition, that the Object has to be an 
>>> rdf:resource and a valid URI. I am not sure, whether xsd:anyURI 
>>> covers IRI's as well, but owl:ObjectProperty should be compatible IIRC.
>>> All the best,
>>> Sebastian

@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix itsrdf: <>.
@prefix nif: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
itsrdf:allowedCharacters a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:dir a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:domains a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:externalResourceRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:hasLocQualityIssue a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:range itsrdf:LocQualityIssue.
itsrdf:hasProvRecord a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:range itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:id a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:lineBreakType a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:localeFilterList a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:localeFilterType a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:locNote a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:locNoteRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:locNoteType a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:LocQualityIssue a owl:Class.
itsrdf:locQualityIssueComment a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:LocQualityIssue;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:locQualityIssueEnabled a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:LocQualityIssue;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:locQualityIssueProfileRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:LocQualityIssue.
itsrdf:locQualityIssueSeverity a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:LocQualityIssue;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:locQualityIssueType a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:LocQualityIssue;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:locQualityRatingProfileRef a owl:DatatypeProperty.
itsrdf:locQualityRatingScore a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:locQualityRatingScoreThreshold a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:locQualityRatingVote a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:integer.
itsrdf:locQualityRatingVoteThreshold a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:integer.
itsrdf:mtConfidence a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:mtConfidenceAnnotatorsRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:org a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:orgRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:person a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:personRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:ProvRecord a owl:Class.
itsrdf:provRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:revOrg a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:revOrgRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:revPerson a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:revPersonRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:revTool a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:revToolRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:space a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:storageEncoding a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:storageSize a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
itsrdf:taAnnotatorsRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:taClassRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:taConfidence a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:taIdent a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:taIdentRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:target a owl:DatatypeProperty.
itsrdf:taSource a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:term a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:termAnnotatorsRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:termConfidence a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:decimal.
itsrdf:termInfoRef a owl:ObjectProperty.
itsrdf:tool a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:toolRef a owl:ObjectProperty;
 rdfs:domain itsrdf:ProvRecord.
itsrdf:translate a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.
itsrdf:withinText a owl:DatatypeProperty;
 rdfs:range xsd:string.

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 15:36:49 UTC