Re: [minutes] WebRTC F2F Oct 29-30



I have only one comment:

* I think "[NEW] ACTION: Cullen to update draft to remove reference." 
should not be here, from the context of the discussion I interpret that 
it is an IETF document that should be updated.


On 11/15/2012 11:37 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just finished compiling and cleaning up the draft minutes of our
> F2F meeting two weeks ago at TPAC:
> The minutes of the Media Capture Task Force meeting on the afternoon of
> October 30th will be send separately to the media capture task force
> mailing list.
> Please send corrections as needed; text-only copy of the minutes
> embedded below.
> Dom
>         Web Real-Time Communications Working Group F2F
> 29 Oct 2012
>     See also: [2]IRC log
>        [2]
> Attendees
>     Present
>            andy_hutton, adambe, hta, stefanh, derf, burn,
>            dan_druta, richt, anant, dom, juberti, jim, matthew,
>            ekr, fluffy, Magnus
>     Regrets
>     Chair
>            Harald, Stefan
>     Scribe
>            adambe, markus, JimB, martin
> Contents
>       * [3]Topics
>           1. [4]API functionalities missing in PeerConnection API
>           2. [5]SDP handling
>           3. [6]Implementation status
>           4. [7]General error handling principles
>           5. [8]Call flows Walk-through
>           6. [9]State machines
>       * [10]Summary of Action Items
>       __________________________________________________________
>     <inserted> scribenick: adambe
>     hta: the best use of face-to-face time is to be specific
>     ...: people pay more attention campared to mailing lists
>     ... we've tried to make the agenda specific
>     ... we might go with presenters proposal
>     ... there also be discussions
>     ... we should record off-topic topics and move them to the AOB
>     session
>     stefanh: fist session is about API functionality we haven't
>     addressed yet
>     ... this might be the least concrete item on the agenda
>     ... what de we need to do now and what can we postpone
> API functionalities missing in PeerConnection API
>     [11]Stefan's slides
>       [11]
>     stefanh: API topics
>     ... width, hegiht sent over a PeerConnection
>     ... priority
>     ... is media flowing?
>     ... how much bandwith is used
>     ... how much can be used
>     ... how to reject media streams
>     ... echo control
>     ... one thing missing on the slides
>     ... should we support security descriptions
>     (a use case is presented)
>     scribe: one peer sends video with two different resolutions to
>     two other peers
>     ... are people ok with this?
>     fluffy: we should support this
>     burn: you're showing the entrence and the consumer side
>     stefanh: yes
>     hta: there are multiple ways to achive this reuslt
>     ... first question is.. do we need to support this?
>     ... the answer is yes
>     ... then how should we solve it
>     stefanh: this is the most difficult slide in my deck
>     ... application knows about the receiving side
>     ... or the receiving side could tell the sender
>     ... third possibilty is that the app isn't involved
>     matthew: even if the receiver is involved the sender needs to
>     be involved
>     justin: there needs to be some higher limit
>     matthew: there might be a lot of contstraints
>     fluffy: this is one of the reasons we need constraints
>     stefanh: we shouldn't modify the sdp unless we have very good
>     reasons
>     hta: we currently don't use a speakers queue
>     ekr: what do we expect to happen if the receiver asks for a
>     different aspect ratio
>     ... should the PeerConnection rescale
>     ... ?
>     justin: the sender might need to chose the closest thing
>     hta: we want people to separate the case where you really
>     require something compared to the case where you really can't
>     live without something
>     <matthew> side comment: generally we either need to fully
>     specify the SDP the is used to negotiate things like this OR we
>     need contraints. unfortunately when there's contraints, we
>     *also* need to fully specify the SDP that flows between them...
>     unless we choose to have it *only* be an API issue ("direct
>     manipulation" vs. "constraint setting")
>     stefan: is the sending app or sending PeerConnection informe
>     justin: information about the consumer dimensions could be sent
>     as a session description
>     fluffy: the connection to the video tag is interesting
>     ... would it be reasonable to adjust the send size to the
>     consumer size?
>     ... this was a driver for renegotiation callback
>     martin: you don't have the consumer in the initial negotiation
>     fluffy: it's not always true
>     derf: css also impacts this
>     fluffy: a video tag might be specified with a size or not
>     stefanh: there could be several video tags that wants to affect
>     the sender side
>     hta: there's a ultimate fallback video size
>     burn: smart browsers might behave differently
>     matthew: smart browser decisions must be overidden if the
>     developer wants to do something else
>     burn: if we have an API then the browser must take input from
>     the API into account... otherwise the browser can do its magic
>     stefanh: what is the conclusion?
>     ... the receiving side can influence, but we also need an API
>     to let the developer tweak
>     ekr: do we want information from the receiver to bubble back
>     all the way to the camera on the sender side?
>     burn: a browser can use any valid value in a contraint range
>     matthew: if several consumers (local, remote).. who wins?
>     ekr: some constrains are enforced when set and some constrains
>     seems to be enforced continiously
>     burn: we might need a constraints that says "do not change
>     video size"
>     stefanh: recap on proposed conclusion
>     ... receiving side as driver with an API for the app to
>     influence
>     matthew: there's two ways to implement this
>     fluffy: we don't know if we'll use RTCP or SDP to negotiate
>     video size
>     matthew: even if we go with RTCP we need an API to influence
>     how the browser should behave
>     stefanh: let's move on
>     ... next slide
>     ... if the receiver detaches a stream from the consumer.. what
>     should happen,
>     ... ?
>     ekr: what if sender offers something that the receiver doesn't
>     want?
>     stefanh: we'll get to that in a later slide
>     fluffy: we have two operations.. mute (undetectable from the
>     sender side) and to say "don't send me packets"
>     justin: how do you say that I only want a subset of the offered
>     set of streams
>     ... we don't have a good way to express that today
>     stefanh: next slide
>     ... requeseting a certain bandwith
>     ... there's an IETF draft talking about this
>     DanD: I propose a priority param to addStream()
>     ... we can discuss how the priority information should be
>     handeled but we should decide on a mechanism to specify the
>     intent
>     stefanh: addStream() is only called once per stream, it's a
>     problem
>     DanD: we're the right group to specify the priority intent
>     burn: intent means it might not happen
>     <martin> hmm...s/constraint/pref/g ?
>     <ekr> ?
>     <martin> that works too
>     <matthew> there's a difference between "preferences" and
>     "absolute limits"
>     <matthew> i "prefer" 720P, but there's no way i ever want >2560
>     horizontal pixels
>     <burn> no, constraint != intent
>     DanD: at least the browser sholud be able to say that I marked
>     you packets in a certain way
>     <burn> intent == hint, discussions about hints lead to a
>     decision to support both mandatory and optional constraints
>     <matthew> if you just go with direct manipulation then the API
>     only has "settings", and the difference between "constraint"
>     and "preference" is JS code
>     <matthew> but the moment you let the two ends talk to each
>     other via possibly-unmodified SDP blobs then you need places on
>     the monster where it can be poked with a stick
>     Göran: we should describe this case in more detail
>     scribe: can the network trust the diff-serv code points set by
>     the app
>     fluffy: in some environment you can't
>     ... they might provide information
>     ... but a separate request is needed to verify
>     Göran: we need more discussion around use cases
>     fluffy: I think this should be a topic for the AoB section
>     (people agree)
>     hta: new topic - Security for Qos flow labels
>     ekr: there might be two API surfaces needed: tie constraints to
>     media flow, (missed the other one)
>     DanD: I wan't a request that should be handeled by the trusted
>     environment
>     matthew: even if diff-serv cps isn't supported a system may
>     enforce priority anyhow (we need to support this case as well)
>     hta: new topic for AoB - Control of the DSCP interface
>     stefanh: next slide
>     ... other side of the same coin
>     ... feedback on bw..
>     martin: I thin we need generic feedback on constraints set
>     ... there might be existing mechanisms
>     ... for others we might need to add something
>     matthew: e.g., if video has highter priority over slides, the
>     app might want to know if the slides can't be sent at all
>     stefanh: next slide
>     ... sender side pause/resume
>     ... we currently have enable/disable on MediaStreamTrack
>     ... every consumer is affected
>     ... we could have enabel/disable on PeerConnection
>     burn: we don't need that since you could clone media streams
>     hta: we implemented enable and disable as affecting the
>     associasion between a stream and track
>     stefanh: next topic, AGC
>     fluffy: the text on the slides looks good to me
>     <martin> conclusion here was that we don't need to prioritize
>     the agc/noise settings, it's not a preference, it's a setting
>     <martin> it might also be necessary to change this on the fly
>     burn: what happens if you turn AGC on and it's not available
>     fluffy: it should be a on/off setting
>     derf: I hope there's a way to enumerate settings
>     <martin> we need a way to enumerate settings, for sure
>     fluffy: we should require that
>     <martin> agc/noise is a property of a track
>     hta: AGC should be on track level
>     stefanh: next topic
>     ... rejecting streams
>     martin: we need to know if multiple streams are offered
>     ... we need basic methods on the session description
>     derf: example: you offer me 10k streams.. how do I reject
>     DanD: it's not only if your device can do something.. there's
>     also a question if your service can support this
>     martin: we need to know what you get before you can say what
>     you want to accept
>     hta: if we have a mechanisms for the receiver to turn off a
>     stream at any point.. would it be sufficient to turn it off
>     rather than not accepting it?
>     matthew: it might be a resource question
>     ekr: I interpret it as: you set the remote description and you
>     see what streams are offered
>     stefanh: is the sending app informed about a rejected streams
>     ... ?
>     hta: if the use case for rejecting streams is to save resources
>     then the sender needs to know
>     matthew: it's important how quickly can this be done
>     fluffy: can someone send a proposal to the list?
>     (I missed to scribe a lot of stuff while I was talking)
>     stefanh: next thing - AEC
>     fluffy: one param you need is what's going to the speakers
>     <martin> new issue that is related to this, and one that I will
>     bring up later when we talk about this: SDP describes RTP
>     sessions. The one m= section can have multiple tracks. How do
>     we learn of these other than just waiting for arrival of
>     packets on one of those?
>     <hta> adambe said: I sent a proposal to the list with inbound
>     and outbound streams as different objects, which might make
>     this discussion easier; missed having feedback on that.
>     <matthew> another issue that's related to the last slide and
>     not yet decided (and different in different implementations) is
>     what to offer/send before user consent on a sending device
>     occurs. one approach is to say "recvonly" and change to
>     "sendrecv" when the consent happens, the other is to say
>     "sendrecv" and send muted audio + black video until consent is
>     received. recvonly->sendrecv takes the extra round trip to
>     enable.
>     (scribe is missing a lot of stuff here)
>     burn: why do we need API for this?
>     fluffy: you might want to turn it off
>     burn: could this be a browser control?
>     someone: music is a use case where you wan't to turn EC off
>     matthew: broadcast is also a use case where you want to turn
>     AEC off
>     martin: if the browser and user wants differents things, the
>     user setting should win
>     stefanh: final slide - SDES
>     ... wait until RTCWeb has discussed this
>     ekr: yes
>     stefanh: that was easy
>     ... summary slide
>     martin: you could get two different tracks - one with AEC and
>     one without
>     hta: new AoB (MC TF) to topic - Multiple open of camera/mic?
>     martin: AGC, NR should be fairly simple
>     burn: rather than doing this right now we should sumarize what
>     we have decided the last hour and update the summary
>     hta: there are things that needs to be discussed and some that
>     just can be edited in
>     Acoustic Echo Cancellation
>     stefanh: we're 15 minutes before schedule
>     <markus> coffee break
>     <hta> anyone remote actually here?
> SDP handling
>     [12]Cullen's slides on SDP handling
>       [12]
>     <markus> getting started, markus is the scribe
>     <markus> fluffy showing slides
>     issues: what SDP do createOffer and createAnswer create and how
>     they can be manipulated before passing them back to the browser
>     matthew:some changes are ok from SDP syntax perspective but not
>     for the browser to act upon
>     goals: clear definition of SDP and error handling rules
>     how are new ICE candidates added to the set SDP
>     Matthew: when I ask which SDP is in use is it the one I have
>     set or can it be something slightly different?
>     constraints: can be used to enable common use cases, but do not
>     solve what can be changed
>     burn:constraints can affect what SDP gets generated in the
>     first place so it does not need to be modified anymore
>     fluffy: the place to define SDP use is in the JSEP draft -
>     latest draft has a start
>     <AndyHutton> remote audio not working
>     matthew:state transitions need to be taken into account, can't
>     call everything multiple times
>     <matthew> specifically, setRemoteDescription("answer") is
>     restricted to only-call-once even though we are saying that
>     enforcement of these transitions is up to the JS
>     what can be changed between create* and setLocal/Remote
>     use cases: remove codec, change bw limit etc.
>     justin: enable/disable bundle is one case
>     adam:rejecting audio, getting video - is that with munging SDP?
>     fluffy:no, if we have explicit API then don't use SDP mungling
>     matthew:have a detailed set of cases
>     fluffy:grouping of cases:
>     fluffy:don't do RTCP mux via settings, not SDP
>     matthew:ptime for codecs
>     matthew:want to fix it
>     matthew:will take my cases to the list
>     [several people agree most things being discussed should be
>     done via other mechanisms than changing SDP]
>     burn: nervous about limiting too much what in SDP can be
>     modified
>     fluffy:changing SDP on the way between browsers can be done
>     flexibly, changing between create* and set* in the same browser
>     more limited
>     justin:don't understand why there is big difference between
>     different manipulation "loops"
>     fluffy:positive list of what can be changed is needed, not the
>     list of what can't be
>     provide a list of changeable things that is *guaranteed* to
>     work
>     matthew: errors need to be specific on what is wrong
>     [argument over what the current spec (JSEP?) says...]
>     burn: many kinds of modifications will be needed before sending
>     SDP out
>     burn:what you send out does not match with what you set with
>     setLocal?
>     <ekr> who was speaking?
>     matthew:jsep-02 has fixed the ice password issue
>     fluffy:need to have the use cases that motivate changes
>     justin:needs coming up in the future anyway...
>     how much and what state does createOffer create? devices with
>     HW codecs?
>     <matthew> jsep-02 fixed the "createOffer is optional" language,
>     though whether or not createOffer creates state is true or not
>     is questionable
>     <ekr> matthew: though, there's clearly an implication of that
>     b/c of the validity window of the offer.
>     <ekr> i.e. during the callback.
>     <matthew> indeed
>     martin:set down the list of things that MUST be possible to
>     change
>     burn:is everything else MUST reject?
>     people have different interpretations...
>     explicit list of things that MUST be changeable, explicit list
>     of things that MUST not be changed and what falls in between
>     the browser need to explicitly error report if it won't support
>     it
>     <martin> there is a list of things that we MUST be able to
>     change; there is a list of things that MUST NOT be able to
>     change, which trigger an error; everything else the browser
>     MUST either accept or reject with an error
>     <matthew> silent failure is incompatible with the assert on the
>     2nd slide. either the browser fires an error (invalidating the
>     assert) or it is lying to you in order to make that assert.
>     [the above three comments (markus, martin, matthew) try to
>     record the consensus in the meeting]
>     AndyHutton: Configuration/settings? how do they relate to the
>     MUST, MUST NOT, ...
>     fluffy:start with the list of use cases to get the
>     MUST-be-changeable list
>     matthew:listing MUST-items...
>     [cullen taking notes...]
>     adam: we will have APIs for some of these things anyway
>     fluffy:if we have an API to control what createO/A gives, is
>     that not enough, do we still need to change SDP for those
>     "features"
>     justin, matthew: there may be cases where SDP change is still
>     needed
>     fluffy: use cases are still not clear
>     burn:do not worry about MUST-list anymore because anything on
>     the MUST NOT list can still work...
>     still sensing consensus on having three lists: 1. MUST be
>     changeable, 2. MUST NOT be changeable, 3. (default) Browser
>     MUST give an error if it does not support it
>     fluffy:next issue
>     when can two different video flows use the same m-line
>     Proposal: all codec parameters are the same, "content-label" is
>     the same, are in same MediaStream
>     (hta, fluffy, martin debate the details)
>     next: How does createOffer know to offer receiveOnly flow?
>     want to receive video but don't have video camera
>     justin has a proposal, mind to write it down here?
>     matthew: can you put "send" in SDP before getting user consent?
>     or do you first have to use receiveOnly and add sendReceive on
>     a separate O/A
>     ekr: how do we correlate multiple offered video m-lines to the
>     multiple video streams the answerer has
>     next topic: how does createOffer decide to offer a data
>     channel?
>     should OfferToExchangeData constraint be added?
>     matthew: data is a great idea, but SCTP is horrible.
>     fluffy:take this to the IETF
>     tim:SCTP was decided in Feb
>     <ekr> matthew: how do you really feel about SCTP?
>     DanD:data is easy within a single app, but trapezoid between
>     two apps is more difficult
>     martin:issues could come also if the other device running the
>     "same" app has constraints
>     consensus: don't add this constraint
>     next: DTMF
>     will be discussed tomorrow with a proposal
>     next: How long is SDP from createOffer/Answer valid?
>     matthew:90 seconds would be an ultimate timeout
>     use case: the SDP is sent to the server for modification
>     should it be valid beyond the duration of the callback function
>     ice candidates etc. time out in matter of 10s of seconds
>     hta: time-to-live for the session description?
>     matthew:can createOffer be called again after getting the
>     modified SDP back from the server?
>     matthew:proposes that createAnswer is valid only for the
>     duration of callback and no longer
>     consensus: it must be valid at least for the duration of the
>     callback function
>     ACTION: ekr to take follow-up to the list
>     slides about rollback and error handling left for now
>     (now lunch break until 1:30)
> Implementation status
>     <fluffy> Cullen is scribing
>     HTA is presenting what chrome is doing
>     TURN and opus are scheduled to be in M24 all going well
>     DTMF is waiting on this group
>     Anant has a demo of firefox
>     THe demo allows login, gives a list of users, then you can call
>     one of the other users
>     Have getusermedia, have peerConnection,
>     expectation to not have behind a flag in firefox 19
>     currently in firefox 18 in nightly builds behind a flag
>     have a fairly complete version of the DataChannel
>     showed cool file sharing with drag and drop using DataChannel
>     THey have DTLS-SRTP
>     ICE but no TURN
>     prototype of Identity working
>     Doing desktop first, then working on mobile
>     VP8, opus, and G.711 as codecs
>     HTA: There was a test web even 2 days ago
>     dom: The idea of these is to get lots people to develop and
>     contribute test cases
>     … presentation of theory of testing
>     … Event led to 404 test cases
> General error handling principles
>     ScribeNick: JimBarnett
>     [13]Anant's slides on error handling
>       [13]
>     Anant: exceptions vs error callbacks. exceptions when you can
>     detect error without blocking the main thread. Covers only very
>     simple errors. In all other cases, error callback. So as
>     policy, favor error callbacks because they don't block the main
>     thread.
>     Cullen: so lots of functions will do both?
>     Anant: yes
>     EKR: there's no way to get around exceptions occasionally.
>     Tim: what do you do if you pass in something that is not a
>     function as the error callback?
>     Cullen: there are things that you should never see in
>     production code, and those that have to be caught at runtime.
>     The former are programming errors. We're interested in input
>     errors.
>     Anant: what goes in spec is a list of things that must be
>     exceptions and what should be callbacks. This will be the
>     result of consensus of browser implementations.
>     Justin: so programming errors will be exceptions, bad SDP from
>     the other side will be an error callback.
>     Anant: exceptions will be only for development. They shouldn't
>     occur in deployments at runtime. In exceptions should include
>     name and message, which all platforms support We should
>     standardize the names of exceptions, message can be
>     platform-specific, thought should be human readable. stack and
>     linenumber are useful where available. We will inherit from
>     Error object to make SDPErrorObject.
>     ekr: we should create new attribute for SDP error, rather than
>     overloading linenumber.
>     Anant: yes, having different names helps. We should standardize
>     on the ones that need to
>     be machine readable. Human-readable ones can be
>     platform-specific.
>     Dom: W3C policy is to re-use existing names as much as
>     possible.
>     Anant: we will use same object for error callback and
>     exception. So name and message must be present in object passed
>     to error callback. As with exceptions, human-readable
>     properties can be platform-specific. For SDP errors may want to
>     create a new property. Error callbacks should be mandatory. In
>     current spec, they're optional. That makes it easy to make
>     sloppy errors. If they're mandatory, at least you get an
>     exception if you forget to define the error callback. It should
>     never be the case that there's an error and nothing happens.
>     ... In CreateOffer, exceptions: Invalid_callback,
>     invalid_constraints, invalid_state.
>     Dom: these can be webIDL type mismatch errors. We don't need to
>     specify them separately.
>     Anant: we can move invalid state to a callback (for cases where
>     app violates the state machine that we define.) So we won't
>     need to define any exceptions for (most?) functions. setLocal
>     and setRemote can have invalid_sdp as error in callback. Assume
>     that the success callback in set remote isn't called until the
>     description has been fully applied.
>     Cullen: if have setRemote with provisional SDP and then later
>     will apply final SDP. Consider the case where are parsing SDP
>     and acting on it as you go along. Do you have to roll back? It
>     may be hard to do that.
>     ekr: setRemote shouldn't generate callback until it's complete
>     and in correct state.
>     Justin: we need a separate error to signal case that media
>     system is hopelessly busted.
>     Cullen: we need two kinds of errors. Implementation will know
>     whether the situation is
>     hopeless or not.
>     Harald: Invald SDP indicates that you have been able to
>     rollback, so it's not fatal.
>     Cullen: when SDP fails a syntax check and no state has been
>     changed, as opposed to case where what you thought was a camera
>     turns out to be a mouse.
>     ekr: there are cases where the error is reversible, but you're
>     still screwed.
>     Harald: let's put Anant's proposal into the spec, and work out
>     some of these details later.
>     Anant: we can leave the decision on which errors are fatal to
>     the UA. Further discussions of specific error cases on the
>     list.
>     Dan: are error callbacks mandatory?
>     Dom: sloppy programmers can always put in a no-op error
>     callback. On the other hand, if we make them mandatory, we will
>     have to include them in our examples.
>     spec.
>     So decided that invalid_state will be a callback no exception
>     <dom> [14]Error Types defined in DOM 4
>       [14]
>     Decided that for SDP, will add a sdpLineNumber
>     decided all errors callbacks will not be optional
> Call flows Walk-through
>     Justin: when you call setLocal that's when UA starts gathering
>     ICE candidates. Get callbacks as each candidate is gathered,
>     another when all are gathered. If call createOffer before any
>     candidates are gathered, it will have just your local address.
>     Justin: if you want to do trickle, have to get offer first and
>     then gather candidates. So must get getOffer callback before
>     all candidates are gathered.
>     Cullen: what things can cause gathering to begin? What
>     indicates how many candidates to gather? How do you know when
>     you're done.
>     Matthew: it has to be a settable parameter whether createOffer
>     callback can fire before you have enough candidates to produce
>     valid SDP. I don't like to get a success callback when the
>     offer is not valid yet.
>     Cullen: one model is you can decide to wait until SDP is
>     complete. Or we can say that you get callback immediately, then
>     get another when you have all the candidates.
>     Harald: must have ICE candidates to be valid.
>     Cullen: but local address suffices for validity.
>     Justin: in Jingle can send offer without any candidates and
>     it's fine.
>     ekr: it won't work with SIP.
>     Adam: we should have matching examples and callflows, including
>     trickle.
>     Stefan: the Chrome implementation seems to work, with and
>     without trickle. So it should be our reference.
>     Justin: we discussed calling createOffer and setLocal early to
>     start allocation, and then add streams later
>     Cullen: we don't have mechanism for declaring dummy streams.
>     What if had new method: gather n candidates.
>     Justin: that's like setLocal with empty m=lines.
>     Cullen: calling app has pretty good idea of how many candidates
>     it will need. At least an upper bound.
>     ekr: two proposals for pre-allocation: - a direct instruction
>     to peerconnection, or some sort of dummy SDP via createOffer
>     and setLocal.
>     Cullen: we have 6 issues to discuss, all at least as big as
>     this.
>     Harald: I'd like to get an overview of all the questions. for
>     this issue, we have two questions: how to know when SDP is
>     sendable, and how to do pre-allocation.
>     Matthew: what happens with resource reservation? What happens
>     when you do all this gathering and find out that the camera
>     isn't available any more?
>     Cullen: next issue. How does receiving side find out what's in
>     the offer, so that it can show the user: Alice is calling and
>     she wants audio and video.
>     Matthew: when you call setRemote, you have no idea how many
>     times onaddstream will be called.
>     Cullen: general model is a callback for each structure, and a
>     final callback saying that you won't get any more. questions:
>     when do you know that you've gotten all mediastreams? When do
>     you know you have all the tracks? When do the callbacks fire
>     with respect to the setRemote callback?
>     ekr: at what point do side effects take effect w.r.t the
>     callback? I think it must be before.
>     Justin: when does peerconnection.remotestreams get populated?
>     When you get a stream, the tracks should be filled in already.
>     Matthew: parse them into the array, and then call
>     processingcomplete.
>     Justin: how about a callback saying the remotestreams value has
>     changed? (It would be an array value, so this callback would be
>     called only once.)
>     Adam: it's more convenient to get the new stream in the
>     callback, rather than having to parse the array to see what's
>     different.
>     Justin: but it's important to know when the changes are
>     complete, rather than getting changes one at a time.
> State machines
>     [15]Justin's slides
>       [15]
>     <inserted> ScribeNick: martin
>     juberti: [presenting on states]
>     martin: does back to gathering happen for moving from "relay"
>     to "all"?
>     juberti: you probably already have all the necessary candidates
>     matthew: is there any way to remove candidates?
>     juberti: ice restart
>     ekr: can we have multiple components with one completed and the
>     other one with no candidates
>     juberti: we are in checking until all components have resolved
>     fluffy: checking encompasses frozen
>     matthew: restart doesn't affect active flows
>     juberti: yes
>     matthew: why not just describe each of the states as they
>     relate to the underlying states
>     fluffy: this is part of what I prepared for the last call on
>     this topic and we rejected that
>     hta: there is no harm in playing audio while video is failing
>     and restarting
>     ... is there any difference betwen connected and completed?
>     juberti: middleboxes might require the updated offer that would
>     be triggered from the completed transition
>     martin: is this application driven or not, can the browser add
>     new candidates and contine?
>     juberti: restart is required by RFC 5245
>     fluffy: the application is going to need to be involved
>     juberti: if you get a new NIC (e.g. WiFi) you might just
>     trickle that
>     hta: transitions to starting are tied to user actions
>     martin: how does the new WiFi candidate fit into this?
>     juberti: that would trigger a transition to connected
>     fluffy: there is an implication that disconnected might
>     transition to failed, in the case where you were connected and
>     you disconnect then something failed
>     juberti: proposes changing name of "starting" to "noo"
>     <hta> IceConnectState -> IceConnectionState
>     juberti: remove onicegatheringchange, and provide just
>     onicecandidate to fire when the gathering state is changed
>     derf: propose to rename iceConnectState to iceConnectionState
>     or something
>     * missed the name conclusion
>     ekr: is this same as the other state machine, just with the
>     states merged?
>     juberti: yes
>     <hta> martin, name conclusion was to use IceConnectedState
>     rather than IceConnectState (I think - my ears are going)
>     matthew: set...(answer) can't be done twice?
>     ... why isn't createOffer and createAnswer shown on the
>     diagram?
>     juberti: once you set...(answer), you may have removed some
>     critical state for the offer, which invalidates some of the
>     answers
> Summary of Action Items
>     [End of minutes]
> ***************************************************************
>     [1]W3C
>        [1]
>         Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Teleconference
> 30 Oct 2012
>     See also: [2]IRC log
>        [2]
> Attendees
>     Present
>            andy_hutton, adambe, hta, stefanh, derf, burn,
>            dan_druta, richt, anant, dom, juberti, jim, matthew,
>            ekr, fluffy, Magnus
>     Regrets
>     Chair
>            Harald, Stefan
>     Scribe
>            DanD, Juberti
> Contents
>       * [3]Topics
>           1. [4]Identity
>           2. [5]API for removing streams
>           3. [6]DTMF
>           4. [7]Other business
>           5. [8]What Triggers Candidate Fetching
>           6. [9]When is SDP sendable?
>           7. [10]Security for QoS labels
>       * [11]Summary of Action Items
>       __________________________________________________________
>     <trackbot> Date: 30 October 2012
> Identity
>     <dom> ScribeNick: DanD
>     ekr presenting
>     [12]
>     s.pdf
>       [12]
>     ekr: Three proposals on the list
>     ... Proposal 1 - Identity provided by gUM (Thomson)
>     ... Proposal 2: Prompt user after call (Ohlsson)
>     ... Proposal 3 - Site permissions with identity display (EKR)
>     ... Proposals 1 and 2 require the user to explicitly assent to
>     identity
>     fluffy: How does the person answering the call who's calling
>     before answering the call?
>     ekr: Long term consent
>     Mathew: I like to setup the video selection and enable the
>     camera and the identity makes it complicated
>     ... easy to be done with proposal 1
>     ... We need to make sure the browser does not get into the
>     address book without user's consent
>     hta: I'm not happy with proposal 2
>     ... when the green light go on
>     ... I have an origin that is not bound to an identity but later
>     get's bound
>     ekr: Proposal 4 is a hybrid of 1 and 3
>     dom: I don't think we should use a null value for a parameter
>     with a different meaning as a parameter not being set
>     ekr: I'm happy to use a different parameter name for option3
>     justin: There's a difference between site having access to the
>     camera and site recording
>     dom: We're focusing too much on the green light where mobile
>     devices don't have a green light; I want to make sure we don't
>     build security on top of hardware indicators that are not
>     always available
>     martin: the idea is to have an indicator in the chrome
>     justin: there's confusion about what the green light means
>     fluffy: we are adding to the confusion
>     ekr: the green light (the indicator) is supposed to be on once
>     the camera is accessed
>     hta: there is a issue when applications via USB can access the
>     green light
>     martin: if it's on can drain battery without sending any data
>     fluffy: expectation is that when camera goes on light goes on
>     ekr: going over the proposed rule
>     dom: I'm a little bit confused. if the indicator is in the
>     chrome I won't see it if I switch to a different app (on a
>     mobile phone); how does that affect the reliability of granting
>     access to a camera to a peer
>     ekr: we should
>     Mathew: will we be able to check for long term permissions?
>     ... action on ekr to write something up on tainted streams
>     hta: suggest camera access as a topic for the other issues
>     later today
> API for removing streams
>     hta: presenting what "remove" means
>     fluffy: we should not look at index
>     hta: either we don't remove the streams and you have a fixed
>     index
>     adam: if we reference it by object even if it's removed from
>     the array I can still find it by object reference
>     dom: this is what DOM is doing
>     hta: in this proposal I have two methods to access: one by
>     returning all and iterate another one by name
>     fluffy: why are we handing developers indexes when they can get
>     them by name
>     dom: using index is not a bad thing as long as you don't assume
>     that what it refers to is immutable
>     adam: I don't think you want to have the sequence because
>     developer can store the sequence and can change later
>     ... the msid draft has already a proposal how to name things
>     hta: we need to decide if we want to get rid of the indexes and
>     go with the labels
>     Mathew: legacy devices might not label
>     Adam: we should go with ID's for both streams and tracks
>     hta: we need somebody to write a proposal
>     <martin> there seemed to be general agreement with Adam's
>     suggestion, namely assigning ids to every stream and track and
>     having label used only for human-readable text
>     <dom> ACTION: Adam to update APIs to use mutable arrays of
>     streams in peerconnection with ids [recorded in
>     [13]]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-59 - Update APIs to use mutable
>     arrays of streams in peerconnection with ids [on Adam Bergkvist
>     - due 2012-11-06].
>     hta: presenting API requirements
>     hta: proposal to have two new functions on RTCPeerConnection
>     justin: I like the idea of having the callback with tone and
>     duration
>     Martin: the proposal was to have a track (something that looks
>     like a track)
>     hta: what's the factory for that track?
>     Martin: you construct it
>     hta: now you need to the go from the track to the
>     peerConnection
>     Martin: you get the track from getUserMedia, you decorate it
>     for DTMF and attach to the peerConnection
>     ... on the receiving end it's simple
>     hta: If I would be to implement where do I reliably place this?
>     Fluffy: How do you know to negociate for DTMF?
>     ... another one is long tones use cases
>     justin: you can emulate this with the proposal
>     fluffy: I"m fine with getting rid of the long tones
>     Stefanh: I like the proposal. I'd like more control on the
>     outgoing part
>     burn: I think you can have the DTMF track be created by the
>     peerConnection
>     justin: I support hta's proposal
>     hta: I'll modify the proposal to incorporate burn's suggestion
> Other business
>     hta: reviewing the collected items for discussion
> What Triggers Candidate Fetching
>     Mathew: Use case is when a web page displays "call agent" . I
>     don't want all the visitors of the page to use my turn servers
>     ekr: This should not be a problem
>     hta: I don't understand why the use case is not satisfied
>     Martin: you want to load the page and show as quickly as
>     possible
>     justin: we have two mechanisms to control the candidates
>     gathering
>     ... you can do that now
>     Martin: this brings us to changing constraints on the fly
>     fluffy: we want to preallocate now were' talking about how to
>     do it in the API design
>     justin: you would know what you need if you call setLocal
>     fluffy: you can optimistically assume two
>     Mathew: you got two use cases: the conference model where you
>     call in to a conference or the public page. We need to support
>     both efficiently
>     fluffy: can we try to make a proposal
>     ... it's less elegant but should work
>     justin: we can do this using setLocal
>     fluffy: I have a different proposal. Have a constraint that
>     defines the preallocated streams
>     ekr: it's fine for me
>     hta: is this sort of creating a pool?
>     fluffy: yes
>     <martin> proposal is to add a new constraint
>     preallocateCandidates, which takes an integer value that
>     defaults to zero. setting this to any other value through the
>     constructor or updateIce triggers the filling of a candidate
>     set pool of that size. final actions are taken on
>     setLocalDescription
>     hta: decision to go with the proposal to create a pool
>     <martin> cullen will take an action to follow up on the last
>     issue (see my last item starting with "proposal")
> When is SDP sendable?
>     <juberti> Next topic: when is SDP sendable
>     <juberti> When do we know if we have all streams?
>     <martin> my proposal for this was that the success callback
>     would fire, at which time the array^Wcollection would include
>     all the streams
>     cullen: this doesn't let you know whether a stream was added or
>     removed.
>     matthew: that doesn't work in all cases anyway; imagine calling
>     setRemoteDescription twice, the second time before all
>     callbacks have been received.
>     cullen: on all functions that have callbacks, you can't call
>     the function again before the callbacks have dispatched.
>     juberti: this would be setLocal, setRemote, createOffer,
>     createAnswer.
>     ekr: what about getUserMedia?
>     … should be possible to ask for multiple cameras.
>     juberti: I have a proposal to handle the getUserMedia case.
>     adambe: what about onaddtrack events?
>     adambe: do we need onaddtrack when a stream is added?
>     cullen: I read the spec, I think it says any time the remote
>     side adds a track, you need a callback.
>     adambe: there's also an onunmute event on tracks too.
>     adambe: how about only onaddtrack only when a stream is
>     updated, as opposed to added/removed?
>     juberti: I like that proposal.
>     cullen: I don't.
>     martin: Let's address the stream callbacks first.
>     hta: Let's do that.
>     martin: setLocal, setRemote, createOffer, createAnswer should
>     all be non-reentrant.
>     <fluffy> proposal is that that the createOffer / createAnser,
>     setLocal, setRemote, you can not call the same function again
>     if the callback from a previous invocation has not returned
>     martin: during time between setRemote and callback, exceptions
>     should occur on any of these 4 APIs.
>     martin: when you call setRemote, stuff will happen, but the
>     browser will return to stable state multiple times.
>     <fluffy> On set remote, you install all the stuff, then does
>     does callback for onaddstream for each stream, then does
>     callback with null to on add stream, then it call the success
>     callback for set remote
>     dom: do any other APIs do this?
>     anant: in XHR, some things are disallowed while it is running.
>     martin: during state transitions, no other transitions are
>     allowed.
>     anant: you can't call open on the same XHR twice.
>     stefan: might this introduce a timing problem? some browsers
>     are slower than others?
>     dom: I don't think so
>     cullen: I would guess that this is an atomic change, and it
>     takes some time - I would look at some API that has similar
>     needs
>     dom: maybe IndexedDB
>     jimbarnett: call should block instead of throwing exception
>     adambe: if you get onrenegotiationneeded, that could cause a
>     problem
>     cullen: onrenegotiationneeded fires after the success/error
>     callback, if needed.
>     martin: queuing of calls could work OK.
>     cullen: one lock across all 4 APIs.
>     <timpanton> The way most UI APIs deal with this is to say that
>     those functions can only be called on the 'main' thread
>     hta: proposal is: when calling one of these APIs - check args,
>     throw exception if needed, check lock, do work or queue task if
>     needed.
>     <timpanton> if the callback is also invoked on the same thread,
>     this makes the thing queue naturally.
>     hta: nobody argued for throwing an exception instead of
>     queueing.
>     hta: anant to write up the details here.
>     <dom> ACTION: Anant to write up queuing mechanism for
>     set{Remote,Local}Description, create{Offer,Answer} [recorded in
>     [14]]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-60 - Write up queuing mechanism for
>     set{Remote,Local}Description, create{Offer,Answer} [on Anant
>     Narayanan - due 2012-11-06].
>     <martin> callbacks have to be called on the same thread, there
>     is only one thread
>     juberti: when does onaddstream fire?
>     <timpanton> So how could you get re-entrancy ?
>     hta: onaddstream fires after installation is complete, but
>     before the success callback has been dispatched.
>     <martin> re-entrancy applies only in the sense that the actions
>     associated with the methods take time and so could
>     (conceivably, without these measures) operate in parallel
>     burn: no add stream for failures, naturally
>     <martin> the actions occur on browser-internal threads or "in
>     the network"
>     <timpanton> ok. got it.
>     juberti: when is pc.remoteStreams updated?
>     adambe: before the first onaddstream callback is fired,
>     remoteStreams will be fully up to date with the changes.
>     derf:<same thing>
>     cullen: stream names are confusing.
>     derf: event callbacks need to change to be less confusing.
>     <dom> ACTION: Timothy to write up proposal for new stream event
>     names. [recorded in
>     [15]]
>     matthew: if SessionDescription is 3264 SDP, that SDP must
>     always be 3264-compliant.
>     cullen: if you can't do local candidates, we should return an
>     error when trying to write SDP.
>     matthew: will trickle update 3264?
>     cullen: I think we'll need to.
>     matthew: if we're doing trickle, we're going to need to update
>     something.
>     matthew: how do we generate workable SDP when trickling?
>     matthew: Chrome currently generates broken SDP?
>     matthew: How do I get valid SDP in the non-trickle case?
>     cullen: wait for ICE complete callback, then SDP will be fully
>     filled-in.
>     matthew: but what about the initial setLocal? That SDP isn't
>     fully valid.
>     juberti: That is just a subset of the trickle case.
>     matthew: But the SDP still isn't valid.
>     juberti: We are going to solve this with the trickle ICE I-D.
>     … and then the rest of the stuff should fall into place. You
>     can call setLocal with an initial "no candidates" SDP, and then
>     gathering commences.
>     hta: we'll refer this to the IETF rtcweb WG to figure this out,
>     and then we can resume this discussion.
> Security for QoS labels
>     matthew: Want to see API where packet priorities can be set.
>     hta: culler's proposal does this - gives 3 levels of
>     priorities.
>     cullen: API that provides 3, 4, etc levels
>     matthew: I don't know which one is more important.
>     matthew: data could be above or below media (gaming, higher,
>     file transfer, lower)
>     dand: where would this priority be set from an API perspective
>     stefan: on a track or datachannel.
>     <dom> there was a (currently abandonned) proposal for
>     setPriority on XHR that also had 4 levels FWIW
>     [16]
>     l
>       [16]
>     matthew: someone needs to write up a proposal for where these
>     things go.
>     hta: set at initialization, or during the call?
>     matthew: I think it could be initialization.
>     dand: once we get this request, we need a confirmation from the
>     browser that it tried to accomplish this.
>     martin: why?
>     dand: this request can be fulfilled by going to a policy
>     server.
>     matthew: I don't care about marking, I just care about the
>     congestion control prioritization
>     matthew: not all packets will be labeled the same way
>     matthew: either for different streams, or different packets in
>     the same stram
>     hta: need to set priority levels, and have it per track, and
>     have 3 or 4 levels.
>     hta: this will set congestion control/queuing in the browser,
>     and setting of QoS is something for further study
>     matthew: cullen has already written a draft
>     goran: cullen's draft refers to other drafts
>     cullen: we will remove that reference.
>     cullen: we don't want JS to set the diffserv code points, but
>     we do want it to be able to discover them.
>     hta: want mapping from track to 6-tuple?
>     <juberti> ACTION: Cullen to update draft to remove reference.
>     [recorded in
>     [17]]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-61 - Update draft to remove
>     reference. [on Cullen Jennings - due 2012-11-06].
>     Action. stefanh to propose priority API.
>     <juberti> ACTION: stefanh to propose priority API. [recorded in
>     [18]]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-62
>     Adjourning for lunch.
> Summary of Action Items
>     [NEW] ACTION: Adam to update APIs to use mutable arrays of
>     streams in peerconnection with ids [recorded in
>     [19]]
>     [NEW] ACTION: Anant to write up queuing mechanism for
>     set{Remote,Local}Description, create{Offer,Answer} [recorded in
>     [20]]
>     [NEW] ACTION: Cullen to update draft to remove reference.
>     [recorded in
>     [21]]
>     [NEW] ACTION: stefanh to propose priority API. [recorded in
>     [22]]
>     [NEW] ACTION: Timothy to write up proposal for new stream event
>     names. [recorded in
>     [23]]
>     [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 14:18:44 UTC