Re: ISSUE-143 (Prefixes too complicated): Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology [RDFa 1.1 in HTML5]

On 6 Nov 2012 at 10:37, Sebastian Heath wrote:
> Ivan wrote:
> > Indeed, the difference between what you propose and what is 
currently there already, is whether non-registered prefixes would be 
completely disallowed in your scheme.

> Agreed. And it would be truly problematic for me if non-registered
> prefixes were to be disallowed.

Isn't it more the question, if pre-registered prefixes are allowed to 
be overwritten or not.
Now only pre-registered prefixes can not be used to define any other 
vocab. Any other 'free' prefix can be used to define another vocab.

So to address Teds issue of the pre-registered prefixes.
Isn't it possible to give a switch (in section processor conformance 
of the spec) to the processor, with the following:

Read the 'initial context' and fetch the pre-registered prefixes.
Read the document and search for prefix mappings.
If you find any prefixes in the document that are identical to 
pre-registered prefixes, then
check if the corresponding IRIs are identical, if not
offer the switch:
- stop processing
- use the prefixes from initial context
- overwrite prefixes from initial context with prefixes defined in 
the document
- give a list of all prefixes, that are used in multiple way and let 
the user decide for each one separately.


Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 17:00:25 UTC