Re: Draft minutes for IndieUI call on 19 September 2012

Can we correct an error please - it was ISO SC36 that asked me to liaise 
not GPII. Sorry I didn't spot this in the IRC.

>     [1]W3C
>        [1]
>                                 - DRAFT -
>            Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference
> 19 Sep 2012
>     See also: [2]IRC log
>        [2]
> Attendees
>     Present
>            Katie_Haritos-Shea, Dominic, jcraig, Janina,
>            James_Craig, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Andy_Heath, Cooper
>     Regrets
>     Chair
>            Janina_Sajka
>     Scribe
>            dmazzoni
> Contents
>       * [3]Topics
>           1. [4]Admin Update: Repository; Tracker; Editor's Draft;
>              TPAC
>           2. [5]admin: Polling for Telecon Time?
>           3. [6]admin: WAI IndieUI WG Telecon on 10 October
>           4. [7]Capturing Decisions from Use Cases Walkthrough
>           5. [8]ISO Liaison
>           6. [9]Access4All 3
>       * [10]Summary of Action Items
>       __________________________________________________________
>     <trackbot> Date: 19 September 2012
>     <janina> Meeting: IndieUI Task Force telecon
>     <andy> trying to get on - I hate this sip client
>     <janina> Andy, talk with me off line about sip clients.
>     <scribe> scribe: dmazzoni
> Admin Update: Repository; Tracker; Editor's Draft; TPAC
>     JES: top item - Michael, any news on the repository and
>     tracker, any bugs?
>     MC: everything's working
>     JES: James, any update on the drafts?
>     JC: Checked in. Not at a point where I need feedback, but
>     always welcome of course.
>     MC: I'm not seeing them in Mercurial? Nevermind, looks like my
>     problem
> admin: Polling for Telecon Time?
>     JS: any questions, comments, anyone? Next topic
>     <jcraig> FYI, this Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky is
>     especially useful [11]
>       [11]
>     JS: We planned to canvas task force participants to see if
>     there's a better time for this meeting to accomodate Asia and
>     Australia at least sometimes
>     <MichaelC> [12]Meeting time poll
>       [12]
>     JS: I think we can announce it in email, but Michael can also
>     post it to IRC
>     ... Any questions on this poll?
>     ... There are two W3C working groups that constitute this task
>     force. The other one is Web Events. From the web accessibility
>     side, we formed a new working group there.
>     ... The Indie UI task force is made up of members of the WAI
>     Indie UI working group and Web Events.
>     JC: So some people who participate on these calls are not
>     members of the WAI Indie UI working group?
>     JS: Correct, they might be members of Web Events
>     MC: The intellectual property belongs to the Indie UI working
>     group. Web Events considers that overlaps its charter.
>     JS: An organizational telecon for members of the WAI Indie UI
>     working group (which isn't everyone) will meet on Oct 10. This
>     shouldn't happen very often. However, if there are
>     disagreements it's possible for that group to caucus on its
>     own. When there's consensus there shouldn't be much need for
>     that.
>     JC: What about meeting time at TPAC?
>     JS: Not planning on it, but planning for the task force to
>     meet.
> admin: WAI IndieUI WG Telecon on 10 October
> Capturing Decisions from Use Cases Walkthrough
>     JS: So, how to we want to capture this list of features / items
>     that we want to develop specifications for, other than going
>     through the minutes? Brainstorm?
>     ... Michael and I developed 4 specific ideas that might be a
>     good starting point.
>     MC: Just a second...
>     ... 1. wiki scratchpad, 2. copy spec into the wiki, allow
>     editing, 3. allow members to edit branches in Hg, 4. find a
>     tool that tracks resolutions
>     <MichaelC> perhaps a wiki scratchpad of features
>     <MichaelC> or copy of spec in wiki to edit as proposals
>     <MichaelC> or have members edit Mercurial branches to make
>     proposals
>     <MichaelC> or track resolutions
>     MC: to clarify 4, track "RESOLUTION" in IRC meeting logs to
>     track what we decided
>     AH: is the only difference the output?
>     MC: clarifies some differences about the processes
>     JC: my preference would be to track resolutions and issues and
>     actions
>     ... If things are not controversial, the editor can just add
>     them, otherwise we can discuss
>     <andy> `zakim, q+ andy
>     JC: I also like the Mercurial idea for later, after the edits
>     have settled a bit
>     <MichaelC> ack
>     AH: expresses agreement
>     <andy> zakiim, q+ andy
>     MC: the wiki can still be a place to make proposals, then the
>     editor can copy to trunk
>     <andy> just q_ then ?
>     <andy> oops
>     <Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to discuss using wiki pages for
>     individual issues, rather than whole spec edits
>     JC: I propose we keep wiki pages to one page per issue / change
>     proposal, as opposed to having one giant wiki page - too hard
>     to track otherwise
>     JS: sounds reasonable
>     ... are we confident that everything is captured in either the
>     spec or a tracker?
>     <clown> [13]
>       [13]
>     JC: just actions in the tracker so far, what about ideas for
>     ideas from one from Andy, one from Joseph
>     JS: we need to track everything, stop relying on our memories
>     <jcraig> ACTION: jcraig to incorporate Andy Heath's proposal
>     into User Context spec [recorded in
>     [14]
>     ]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-11 - Incorporate Andy Heath's
>     proposal into User Context spec [on James Craig - due
>     2012-09-26].
>     AH: credit Rich with that proposal as well
>     <jcraig> ACTION: jcraig to incorporate group change proposal
>     (sent in and formatted by Joseph) [recorded in
>     [15]
>     ]
>     <trackbot> Created ACTION-12 - Incorporate group change
>     proposal (sent in and formatted by Joseph) [on James Craig -
>     due 2012-09-26].
>     JC: Should we use a public tracker? This tracker requires a W3C
>     account
>     ... Should be sufficient if the public can view, not edit
>     JS: And we have email to capture comments from anyone
>     <MichaelC> the IndieUI tracker is in public space and doesn't
>     require account to view
>     <MichaelC> does require to edit (since you have to be member of
>     group)
> ISO Liaison
>     <clown> "Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure"
>     <clown> [16]
>       [16]
>     AH: I've been asked to liase between GPII and this group
>     ... Building a registry that anyone can use. The preferences
>     that Rich and I proposed are going into that registry.
>     ... ISO SC36 (?) is standardizing the registry. There may be
>     terms coming out of this group that could go into this registry
>     ... ISO SC35 (user interfaces) also includes accessibility; the
>     world wants one standard so I hope we can harmonize
>     JS: ISO SC36?
>     AH: ISO SC36 is for learning and education, historically - but
>     not education-specific
>     Joseph: what exactly goes in the registry?
>     AH: an example term that might go in the registry is "visual"
>     ... doesn't distinguish between needs and preferences. I'll
>     point everyone to the wiki
>     JS: What is a liaison? Should we nominate one to SC36?
>     <jcraig> Andy/Rich proposal (DOCX) archived here:
>     [17]
>       [17]
>     JS: (restating AH): so, raise flag when they notice an
>     inconsistency between proposals in the two groups
> Access4All 3
>     AH: one last announcement: access4all 3 is out
>     <clown> [18]
>       [18]
>     <clown> ?
>     JS: thanks. we didn't get to use cases, but we will next time.
>     Zakim: bye
> Summary of Action Items
>     [NEW] ACTION: jcraig to incorporate Andy Heath's proposal into
>     User Context spec [recorded in
>     [19]
>     ]
>     [NEW] ACTION: jcraig to incorporate group change proposal (sent
>     in and formatted by Joseph) [recorded in
>     [20]
>     ]
>     [End of minutes]
>       __________________________________________________________
>      Minutes formatted by David Booth's [21]scribe.perl version
>      1.136 ([22]CVS log)
>      $Date: 2012/09/19 17:59:30 $
>       __________________________________________________________
>       [21]
>       [22]
> Scribe.perl diagnostic output
>     [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
> This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136  of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43
> Check for newer version at [23]
> scribe/
>       [23]
> Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)
> Succeeded: s/MC: What/JC: What/
> Succeeded: s/the Mercurial idea/the Mercurial idea for later, after the
> edits have settled a bit/
> Found Scribe: dmazzoni
> Inferring ScribeNick: dmazzoni
> Default Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea, Dominic, jcraig, Janina, James_Crai
> g, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Andy_Heath, Cooper
> Present: Katie_Haritos-Shea Dominic jcraig Janina James_Craig Joseph_Sch
> euhammer Andy_Heath Cooper
> Found Date: 19 Sep 2012
> Guessing minutes URL: [24]
> html
> People with action items: jcraig
>       [24]
>     End of [25]scribe.perl diagnostic output]
>       [25]


Andy Heath

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 18:41:06 UTC