Final Minutes -- QA Working Group Teleconference 2005-04-18

QA Working Group Teleconference
Monday, 18 April 2005
Scribe: Lofton

(PC) Patrick Curran (Sun Microsystems)
(KD) Karl Dubost (W3C, Chair)
(DH) Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C)
(LH) Lofton Henderson (CGMO)
(RK) Richard Kennedy (Boeing)
(MS) Mark Skall (NIST)
(TB) Tim Boland (NIST)
(LR) Lynne Rosenthal (NIST)

(DM) David Marston (guest, IBM)

(DD) Dimitris Dimitriadis (Ontologicon)

Summary of New Action Items:
AI-20050418-1  --  Patrick  --  New draft of TestFAQ --  due: 20050422
AI-20050418-2  --  Karl  --  confirm SVG request for Tiny 1.2 review, 
complements for SpecGL ICS -- 20050418
AI-20050418-3  --  Karl (Lofton)  --  first draft of SVG Tiny 1.2 review to 
QAWG  -- 20050502
AI-20050418-4  --  Dom  --  draft SpecGL ICS for SpecGL  -- 20050425
AI-20050418-5  --  all  --  draft assigned answers to LC review 
comments  -- 20050425


Previous Telcon Minutes:


* Routine business:  final Dublin dates / organization
Final dates Mon-Wed, 8-11 Aug.  Reviewed attendance -- all expect to attend 
except TB, and possibly Olivier.  PC will start looking for hotels.  PC 
will start to look up local transportation information so that KD can start 
web page for f2f.
* Routine business:  Test FAQ progress?
Since 2 wks ago, PC has done most AIs.  Ought to be able to publish 
soon.  AI to Patrick for new draft by end of this week (2005-04-22).
* Routine business:  SVG Tiny 1.2 -- SpecGL ICS and review request
SVG 1.2 Tiny includes a completed SpecGL ICS [1].  While unfortunate that 
it is based on old ICS template (missing section 3), it is excellent that 
SVG WG did this.  SVG WG has also identified QAWG as a targeted reviewer 
for Tiny 1.2 Last Call WD.  QAWG needs to respond to them, on both 
topics.  KD accepted AI to respond immediately with generic message 
(appreciation, promising review etc).  KD will do first draft of review (LH 
to assist) and circulate to QAWG for comment, within 2 weeks.
* Routine business:  SpecGL "cleaned" version available now [2]
KD expressed thanks to Dom and everyone for new version.  Noted that 
old-new correspondence table is moved out to QA space and referenced, and 
same with Change Log.  DH asked everyone to give feedback on new draft.  In 
satisfaction to the 3-month rule for publications, and as a basis for 
response document, we will publish a new WD as suggested by DH last 
week.  Target:  Tuesday 26-april.
* SpecGL issue #1087
TB previously took an AI to draft a proposal for inclusion in SpecGL as a 
follow-up on our discussion with the WAI CG during our F2F.  TB's initial 
draft [3] and DH's comments with proposed revised text [4] were 
discussed.  DM and LH supported DH's separation of accessibility of 
specification (which is completely addressed in pubrules, and should be 
linked from this SpecGL section) from accessibility of the defined 
technology.  DH revision is also shorter and more compact.  TB likes DH 
revised text, and that is adopted for this section.  KD will put new text 
into SpecGL.  Title will be "Accessibility, Device Independence, and 
Internationalization Considerations".
* SpecGL ICS (issues 983 and 1158)
As part of our resolution of issue 983 (as well as 1158), we have to 
provide a completed ICS for SpecGL.  In lieu of any other volunteers, DH 
accepted AI to do it.  DH repeated request for top-to-bottom SpecGL reviews 
by as many as possible.  LH asked whether chairs should divide up spec and 
make targetted reviews.  This will be done after next WD publication 
(planned for next week).
* Implementation report
Dimitris previously took an action item to draft an implementation report 
for SpecGL, which will serve as the basis for our Proposed Recommendation 
transition request.  He proposes to have this by end of this week.  In 
general discussion of timetable, DH said tentative date was around end 
April, but early May is probably earliest realistic possibility (for 
Director telecon to authorize the transition).  DH wants PR no later that 
June AC mtg.  DH proposes to give commenters one week (default) to review 
and respond to our disposition of comments.
* Drafting answers to LC comments
DH previously proposed drafting assignments for disposition of comments 
[5].  We reviewed the assignments, and each assignee agreed with his/her 
assignment, and agreed to try to have the drafts by next telecon 
(25-april).  LH pointed out that doesn't give much review time if it is to 
be a 25-april telecon topic, and DH/KD promised to try to circulate theirs 
earlier (than Sun nite or Mon morning).  DH provided pointer to draft DoC 
[6], which contains links to the original comments for the drafting 
Adjourned:  11:55am ET.



Received on Monday, 25 April 2005 14:55:54 UTC