Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Edits

Hi, Shawn -

First of all: an apology. I sent comments on Presenting the Case to the EO
list that weren't what you asked us to focus on. In the email glut and work
overload I'm experiencing right now, I neglected to review the previous
emails and only saw them when trying to find the email address for edits.

I was simply trying to review the overall document before the more specific
pages to get a feel for the whole.

Here's a few editorial comments:

- Legal & Policy Factors suite link - should be "Legacy and Policy Factors"
- incorrect use of "&" here.

- Use of semicolons after bulleted list items in Overview page: I would
delete them. They are non-standard, are unnecessary, add clutter to the
bullets, and do not improve the reading experience for screen reader users
(at least JAWS users. Two blind Wells Fargo employees tested this with 3.x
versions of JAWS). Also, semicolons are not used in lists in the other suite

- Social Factors page: "benefits more people" anchor link could be
"benefiting more people" for parallel construction with the rest of the
anchor links.

- Technical Factors page: Anchor link for "Be Prepared for Advanced Web
Technologies" is missing.

I'll try to review the other pages on the way home on the ferry.

Blossom Michaeloff
Web Research and Design
Wells Fargo

Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 20:09:07 UTC