Re: [W3C NFC WG draft charter] including the interaction with a contactless card

On 27/05/12 21:08, GALINDO Virginie wrote:
> You will find attached a presentation that I promised two weeks ago
> detailing the reasons why gemalto is promoting the integration of a
> specific feature in the NFC WG drfat charter : the management of APDU
> messages in webapp. This is directly linked with the capability for
> webapp to manage messages coming from current contactless cards in
> the field, such as banking card or public transportation card.

Thanks Virginie. Do you have a sketch or even better an implemented
design for an API for interacting with contactless cards using the APDU
format?  Are any other companies interested in this?

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Monday, 28 May 2012 09:14:51 UTC